Chapter 1 - I Live With Animals

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It all started in 6th grade. I had just found my love for drama and it was the night of the end-of-year show. I was the main role, the show was based on Romeo and Juliet. I played Juliet and a boy, Jack Williams, played Romeo. There was no kissing or anything though. I guess the teachers decided against that.

I had just finished my final scene, in this show we made it so Romeo and Juliet loved each other forever instead of the depressing ending in the real story. After the show a lady approached my parents and I and asked if we could speak to her for a moment. My parents agreed, confused on why this woman wanted to talk to them, my three idiotic brothers following behind.

The woman explained that she was an agent looking for new talent. She said that I had the potential and beauty to become an actress. I was so excited. My parents happily agreed and signed a contract that allowed this woman, who I later found out her name was Katerina, to be my personal agent. That's how I became an actress.

Not even two weeks later, I got a small role in a movie. It was small but it attracted the attention of some big movie producers, even Steven Spielberg.

I'm 17 now and I have been in some of the most famous movies in the world. Ever since 6th grade I have been in over 20 movies, most of them I got the main role in. Katerina, who I call Kat, tells me that I am one of the most famous and beautiful actresses in the world.

Right now I'm not shooting for a movie, thank god since it takes up all my time, and I have an audition tomorrow. I don't have anything to do so I am just sitting at home.

One of my brothers, Aiden, left Australia to pursue his career in music. He is in one of the most famous boy bands, The X Boys.

"Hey Nikki." My oldest brother, Blake says as he comes down the stairs. I crack up laughing, not because of what he said but because he basically fell down the stairs when my other brother, Jacob, wrestles him from behind. Blake and Jacob both fall down the stairs and I'm just sitting on the couch, dying of laughter.

"Jacob!" Blake yells out while scowling, "Dude, what the hell?!" He tries to be angry but it fails and he starts laughing, along with me and Jacob. Soon we are all laughing our butts off.

"Bro seriously," Blake says seriously but then he smirks, "You're going to get it." Jacob immediately stops laughing and runs back up the stairs, Blake chasing him.


I decide that I'm hungry so I grab some money and walk to the nearest café. I sigh. There is a very long line. I can barely make it into the door. So many people. I have my sunglasses on and I'm dressed casually, in a tank top and shorts with a jacket over, so I don't think anyone recognises me.

Then I have an idea.

The people in the café are mostly guys and their girlfriends, the guys look to be my age. I smirk. I let my hair out of my pony tail, I take my jacket off and remove my sunglasses. No one notices me yet but they will. I sigh deeply.

"This line is so long, how will I ever get to my movie shoot?" I say quite loudly so the whole café could hear. I see a couple guys look this way and their eyes bulge. They whisper to other people and soon everyone is looking at me. I wink at them.

I get my phone out and pretend to check the time. "Crap! I'll be late for my movie shoot!" I say so the people in line could hear.

"Here, you can go in front of me." A guy, about my age, says. I thank him and take his spot in line. Two minutes later, I have a muffin and coffee in my hand. As I'm about to walk out a couple guys approach me.

"Hey, you're Nikki right? Like The Nikki, the famous actress?" One of the guys says while checking me out. I smirk at him.

"Yes I am, what can I do for you boys?" I am teasing them and it's pretty funny. They don't seem to notice. I take a sip of my coffee and lick my lips and I swear, the boy's jaws dropped.

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