Chapter 6 - Always Look In The Mirror Before Walking Out Of A School Bathroom

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I wake up on a fresh Monday morning. Alex is lying on the floor, passed out. I throw a pillow at her and she groans.

"Get up." She gives me a good view of her middle finger before she drags herself up and walks into the bathroom. I go to our other bathroom, yes we have two bathrooms, and start getting ready.

I'm still half asleep when I walk out of the bathroom so I don't realise that I forgot to look in the mirror.

I walk downstairs to Jacob sleeping on the table. This is something I never thought I would wake up to.

I grab out a bowl of cereal and pour milk into it. I lift Jacob's head up and put the bowl down. His head falls into the cereal and he is jerked awake.

"Morning idiot." I say as Alex basically drags herself down the stairs. I have no idea how she doesn't fall because Alex is one of those people who is clumsy and will randomly trip over her feet every five seconds.

"I hate Monday's" She mutters loudly.

"Don't we all." Jacob groans, his face covered in cereal and milk. 

I groan as I try to remember what classes I have today. Oh crap. I have to work on the project with The Three Stooges today. Hooray...

The only thing we have done is planned. We have to make a campaign and raise money for it. Oh and don't forget the essay part.

After a while I hear knocking at the door. I grab Alex and we join the boys in their car.


Me, Hunter, Eli and Sam were working on our project in class. We decided to name it the STE, Save The Endangered, and yes I know it's not that extraordinary but it's all we got for now. Sam quickly makes a website for our campaign and that's basically what we are doing.

It's the last class of the day and none of us can be bothered talking to each other. Everyone is just done with Monday.

Then I have an idea. "What if people could donate money on the website too?"

"I can set that up." It takes about 20 minutes but he does it.

I grab out my phone, which is logged in as my real identity, and I go on Twitter. I create a new Tweet and put the link to the website and I comment 'Everyone should donate to the STE! Help the endangered animals with me!" I post the tweet and watch as my phone basically explodes with re-tweets and likes.

Sam's jaw drops. "Dude, we are getting hundreds of dollars in seconds. What did you do?"

I smile proudly at myself. "I called Nikki. She did a favour and gave us a little shoutout on Twitter. Millions of people will see her tweet by tonight."

"I applaud you Lana." Sam smirks. Eli is on his phone while Hunter is just doing nothing.

The suddenly I get a really irritated eye. I start rubbing it but then realise that my mascara, which I put on badly, will smudge and my eyes will go puffy and red.

I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I grab my things and walk to the girls bathroom.

I put some cold water onto my eyes. You know hero sometimes you just randomly get really itchy eyes? That's what I got just now.

I hear the bell go so I head towards the classroom and I just catch Alex walking out with my books, she hands them to me.

She puts her sunglasses on and I give her a weird look but don't question it. She always loved sunglasses, she thinks they look really good on her.

I walk out with her and we walk into the car park.

I spot the car and I walk towards it, the boys are all there waiting. When I approach them they all give me confused looks.

I raise my eyebrow. "Have I got something on my face?"

"Uh kind of. Lana, why is one of your eyes blue and the other is green." Hunter replies. Oh shit, shit shit shit.

I whip my head around and grab my phone. I go into the camera. Shit! He's right! My contacts! One of them is missing!

I must have rubbed it and accidentally dropped it or something.

"Ummn... Uhh..."

I look towards Alex for help. She stammers like me.

"Uh Lana's eyes can change colours depending on her mood. Today she is... Calm?" I mentally face palm myself.

I grab Alex by the wrist and just get into the car. The boys are still confused but they don't say anything. We get to my house.

I get out and open the door. I walk in and see Blake on the couch.

"Hey girls. Are the boys out there?" I nod and he gets up and runs out.

I adjust my wig, which is really starting to irritate me, and groan when Blake walks back in, the boys following behind.

Did he really have to invite them in?

I quickly run upstairs and into the bathroom. I grab my spare contacts lenses and put one of them in. I itch my wig and hear a voice behind me.

"What're you doing?" I whip my head around.

"Uhh... Nothing?" It came out as a question. He raises his eyebrows.

"Whatever." He walks back downstairs and I follow.

The boys are standing around chatting with Blake while Alex is standing there awkwardly.

"Whatcha guys talking about?" They all turn to look at me.

Blake gives me a oh shit look and I give him a confused look.

"Ok if you guys don't want me intruding on your conversations..."

"It's not that." Blake mutters.

"Then what is it?"

Sam and Eli narrow there eyes at me. "Lana, why is your hair turning blonde how?" Oh fuck! My wig!

Eli comes over and grabs the back of my wig. "No! Don-"

It's too late.

He ripped the red wig off and stared at it in his hands, his face frozen in shock. Hunter and Sam have the same look on their faces.

"Ok... Someone please tell us what the fuck is going on around here."



A/N: WHOA! Two updates in one night! I'm proud of myself.

I will also be making my chapters a little longer. Maybe doubling the length of them or just adding a little bit, I'm not sure yet.

So since this chapter is so short I will give you an extra long chapter next time!

Comments encourage me to update faster so comment away!!

Have a good Easter xxxxx

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