Chapter 8 - The Funeral

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Me and my brothers cried that night, we cried for what seemed like days but was really hours. We cried ourselves to sleep, on the couch in each other's embrace.

The boys weren't ashamed of crying in front of their sister. In fact, I would be worried if they didn't cry.

My parents death was all over the news. John and Mary Devron dead in a plane crash. An engine malfunction. There was already press outside our house.

It's been days since we found out, two weeks have gone passed. None of us have felt like leaving the house. The Spy Undercover filming has been postponed. Blake's filming has been postponed.

Neither Jacob nor I have gone to school. Our phones have been blowing up with calls from our family and friends. My Instagram, Facebook and Twitter has been blowing up with sympathy messages.

I can't bring myself to reply to any of those people. What would I say? That I'm sorry? No, I hate it when people say I'm sorry after something bad happens.

People have started putting flowers outside our house. Flowers with cards. I'm grateful but I can't go out there and say anything to them, much less read the cards.

Our mail has been blowing up too. Mail from all over the world, people who love my parents movies. My brothers and I have been in a couple of my parents movies. That's where we got kinda famous.

My brothers and I schedules include waking up, barely eating and then sitting around in our own thoughts. Sometimes we comfort each other but not often. Blake is trying to be the strong one. Jacob.. He's too young to deal with this.

The death was all over the news for a week. Memorials, all over the world, are being built. Alex has been trying to help us but she mainly stays out of the way. She knows we need space.

It's now Saturday. I grab my phone and read through thousands of messages that appear on my social media, only crying once or twice. I decide to create a new tweet.

My parents... They were wonderful people. They helped me through all my problems... And they made movies that make inspire people to change themselves. I thank you all for the support. My parents will be missed. I love you Mum and Dad.

I post it and shut my phone off. I bury my head in my pillow, holding back tears.

Jacob locked himself in his room a couple days ago. He hasn't talked to anyone.

I hear a knock at my door. It's Blake, his expression grim. He has a piece of paper in his hand.

"Nikki... I'm sorry... I told them I could do it..."

"What..? Do what?"

"I told them I could look after you guys. I'm 18 but they didn't listen. They might be separating us. I have to go to court and prove that I'm eligible to gain custody of you guys. If not..." I already know the answer.

We will be sent to different families. All of us, separated. I can't even imagine how and that would be.

"Blake... You need to gain custody. Don't let them separate us." I beg. He nods.

Then we hear a knock at the door. Even though people have been putting flowers outside, no one dares to knock on our door at this time.

We hear cameras flashing outside. Someone important is definitely at our door.

I walk downstairs with Blake to the door. Blake opens the door. Our older brother, Aiden, stands there. Looking like he has cried recently himself.

He doesn't even say hi, he just gives Blake a hug and then me.

We talk with him. He said he's staying in Australia for a little bit. He's postponed his music career like we have postponed our acting careers.

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