Chapter 21 - Champagne?

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"Students! Listen up!" Our English teacher comes in. Everyone sits down in the groups that they were put into. 

"Your projects are due today! You will each need to do three things. Number one, tell me what you did for a campaign and provide proof. Two, show me how much money you raised for you organization. Three, hand in the essays that you had to have completed. You all may talk quietly while I assess your projects. First group, Lana, Eli, Hunter and Sam!" 

Sam grabs his laptop and gets onto the website. I grab my essay and so do the other boys'. 

The teacher grabs her clipboard and marks our names off. 

"So, where is your campaign?"

Sam shows her the website, explaining where everything is and how it all works. She nods as he goes through everything that we worked on in the website. She smiles and nods. 

"Very good work! Now for the donations?" She says.

Sam smiles sheepishly. He shows her the donors money and her eyes bulge, almost out of their sockets. I'm joking but her look is priceless. 

"W-wow.. what? How did you get that much money?" 

I give her a look. She, like all of the other teachers, know my true identity. 

She nods at me. "Alright, now the essays."

We hand her our essays and she nods, ticking our names off which show her that we've completed everything. 

"Good work! You guys did a really good job! Better than I expected anyway, good job!" She says, giving us a smile. We thank her and sit down in her seats. She calls up a group of boys and a girl who have no work to show. 

"Thank you Nikki! I might actually get a good grade!" Sam says quietly so no one could hear my real name, giving me a hug. I stiffen for a second after I hug him back. 

"Yeah, thank you Nikki," The other say quietly, engulfing me in a group hug. 

"No problem," I say, smiling. I'm glad I could help them. 

"Can't.. breathe.." I say. They all let me go. 

Eli chuckles. "Sorry." 

Sam gets out his laptop again. He types a couple things and then smiles at us. "$16,220 has now been donated to The Nature Conservancy Australia," Eli high fives him. 

"I'm sure they'll be really happy and grateful," I say. 

Just then, Candice comes up to us. 

"Our team will so be winning the most money. What'd you guys make? Ten cents?" Candice asks, her group behind her laughing and giggling. "My dad donated $5,000 dollars to our cause, we've already won," She gloats. 

"You must really be obsessed with Lana if you keep talking to her," Eli says to her.

I was so close. So close to saying Why're you so obsessed with me? 

So close. But I held back. 

Candice's smiles fades. She looks like she was about to throw a mean insult back at Eli but decides against it, realising who she was talking to. 

"Whatever, I'm just saying we'll get the better grade," 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Hunter comments, looking bored. 

Candice storms off and her group follow. 

Soon, the teacher calls Candice's group over. They each only have one page of writing, which I'm assuming is their essays. 

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