Chapter 5 - Car Ride With Satan's Sons

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Relax Nikki, you can do this. I think to myself confidently.

No you can't.

Shut up conscience.

After battling with myself for a while, I get up out of my bed and get ready in record time.

Today I have to ride to school with Eli, Hunter and Sam. Great...

I go downstairs and see that Blake has already left and Jacob is still asleep. The time is 7:00, two more hours before school starts.

I have nothing to do so I just go around the house fixing and touching up things, I have nothing better to do.

At about 8:20, I hear a knock on the door. I take a deep breath, walk to the door and I open it.

Eli, Hunter and Sam stand at the door, smirking, as if to say Welcome to Hell.
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It was silent in the car. At least it was until Sam opens his mouth. "Lana, why don't you have any friends?"

I'm taken back but I still answer his question. "Uh because no ones likes an antisocial nerd who dresses weird and doesn't follow the trend." For a second I think I see Eli smirk behind the wheel but it's gone as quick as it came.

"How do you know no one likes you?"

"If they liked me then I would have friends genius." I roll my eyes and Sam chuckles.

"Fair enough."

Eli switches the radio channel to a sports channel and they are talking about the Richmond Football Team. I scowl.

"Richmond suck." Sam and I say at the exact same time. He gives me a high five.

Eli looks offended. "Excuse you, they do not suck."

"Yeah.. They do."

"Do not."

We go into a long, heated argument on whether  they suck or not. The he brings my team into it.

"Well they are better than Collingwood." Oh hell no.

"I don't understand why everyone hates Collingwood! Is it because we are the most famous? Or the most awesome?" Then that brings another argument into play. This goes on until we get to school.
The car ride wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... It was actually quite entertaining.
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If only I had known that this day would only get worse.

I was walking to science. We had been partnered up and I was with a guy who couldn't care less about his grades. He was flirting with some other girls while I was conducting the experiment.

Except when Candice 'accidentally' knocks over my Bunsen burner and sets fire to our lab notes. And it gets worse.

The fire that Candice started managed to set fire to other people's work and now the whole bench is on fire. Our teacher runs and grabs a fire extinguisher.

After the fire is out, he looks towards me and Candice. "You two. Detention for a week."
"No arguing Miss Pageant." I shut my mouth and sit back down and stare at what used to be my science book but now looks like someone tried to roast it on a stick. I'll get Candice for this.
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I thought the day would just get worse and worse but then I was greatly surprised. I was in Math just normally doing my work when the principal knocks on our door.

He walks in with a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes. I faintly recognise her but I can't put my finger on it. Who is she?

Then I remember.

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