Chapter 7 - Do I Tell Them?

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My brain is yelling a bunch of different things at me at once when I realise that my wig is uneven. They can see my blonde hair, they saw my blue eyes. They know that something is unusual.

Tell them!

Don't! They could reveal it to everyone!

Make up something!



Shut up brain!


What do I do?

I stammer. "Uh.. um.."

They raise their eyebrows at me. "Well...?"

I almost laugh at their expressions. They are mixtures of confusion, boredom and shock.

"Just tell them Nikki." Blake tells me. I give him a look that is anger mixed with frustration. I resists the urge to flip him the middle finger.

"Tell us what? Why did he call you that?" Sam says, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

I stutter. WHAT DO I DO??? I scream at my brain.

Tell them idiot. You can't cover this up.

I take a deep breath. I have to tell them.

"Well... it all started when..." I tell them everything. The whole story. From when it started in 6th grade to now. They're faces go from confusion to shock in seconds.

"Y-You're Nikki Devron? As in the famous actress?" I nod.

Eli turns to Blake. "Why didn't you tell us that your cousin was really your famous sister?"

Blake shrugs, "Wasn't my secret to tell."

I take off my wig since it wasn't irritating me. "Be right back." I tell everyone. I run upstairs and take off my whole disguise. I put some more confortable clothes on and then go back downstairs.

"This," I spread my arms, "Is the real me."


"Holy shit."

"Oh my fucking god."

I nearly laugh at their words. I look towards Alex who looks like she is battling with her brain like I was a few minutes ago.

I know what she is thinking of doing. I nod at her.

"Boys," I start. They look towards me. "Not only was I disguised, but my best friend Skye here was too. Well, her name isn't really Skye. Boys, meet Alex Stone. Famous super model."

She removes her wig and takes her contact lenses out. They facial expressions are so funny that I can't even describe them.

She then tells her story about how she became a model in America and why she is here.

After she is done, she comes over to me and puts her arms around me.

"Now you know our secret! Tell anyone and we'll murder you. All of you." Alex says but I have a feeling that she isn't joking.

"Seriously, guys, you cannot tell anyone. not even your closest friends or your whores that you probably have over to your houses at night. No one. Understand?" They nod. I am still a little uneasy about this whole situation. If I had made something up, then our secrets wouldn't be at the hands of The Three Pigs.

Then a question pops into my mind. "Hey guys, why didn't you like me when I was disguised as a nerd? Like I understand that no one likes nerds in our school but you seemed to hate me especially. Why?"

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