Chapter 19 - Boo, You Wh-

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Homework makes me want to literally explode.

Every single class this week, except P.E., has ended with the teacher finishing the class with giving us homework. Everyday at the end of each class, you just listen for those famous words "Now class your homework for this class is..."

I am sitting at home on the weekend, books and papers spread out all over my bed, stressing to get my homework done. Apparently, I was not as in front of the class in my work as I thought I was. I was actually very behind and I still am. I have to do all the work I missed plus the new homework I've got since I got back.

It's really stressing me out to get all of this done.

It also doesn't help that Candice is bullying me worse than she ever did, taking it as far as to drench my locker with mud or to hide a rotten fish in my pencil case or something.

Yeah, she went there.

My History teacher also gave me a bad report on an essay that I handed in. I got a D! No pun intended for you dirty minded people.

But seriously, I have to get good grades. I might not be an actress my whole life, I might want to go to law school or something...

What the hell are you talking about Nikki? You don't want to go to law school. Too boring.

Anyway, it's really stressing me out to have all my work done and to hand it all in on time and then Candice and her gang of morons are not helping my life at the moment.

At least the three boys are there to help me, along with Alex. They all hang out with me around school, at lunch and things like that. It's when they leave that Candice decides it's the perfect time to pounce.

Anyway that's enough of my rambling, I have math worksheets to fill out.

Alex is sitting on the floor, doing some Science project. She sighs and rubs her temples. I feel the same way Alex.

"I'm so done with school," She comments.

I snort. "I was done with it a long time ago."

"Why is it so hard? Not to mention the putting on the disguise everyday as well."

"Yeah it gets tiring. But we couldn't just reveal ourselves now.." I trail off. I mean, why couldn't we? It's nearly the end of the year and then we're free... it would be much easier, not having to put on a disguise, not having to pretend that you're someone else in front of the whole school..

Why not?

I give Alex a look and she gives me the same look.

"There's not reason we couldn't..."

"Yeah it wouldn't hurt anyone... the school year is nearly over..."

"Surely it wouldn't be that bad..."

We grin. "Let's do it!"

"But how?" I ask.

"We need a plan."

I grin. "And I have the perfect one."


I'm reading the end of a book when I see a high heeled foot stick out in front of me. It's too late. I trip and drop everything.

Seriously? Again? I already know it's Candice before I even look up.

"Nerd alert." She giggles and then walks off with her stupid goons of friends.

"Boo, you wh-" I start to say.

"Are you alright Nikki?"

"Yeah totally fine. At this point, my broken leg will be healed in four years. Thanks for asking." I say sarcastically to Hunter.

"Didn't you doctor tell you when your leg will heal?"

"Yeah, it's been four weeks since then so four weeks to go. Then these stupid things can go. They pretty much set me up for falling over every five seconds," I say.

"If she knew who I really was, she would bow down and kiss my feet," I mutter to myself.

He chuckles. "Well I gotta go to detention. Accidentally punched a kid in class."

I blink. "How do you accidentally do that?"

He shrugs. "See ya."

"See ya," I yell out as he walks away. Then my phone rings. I look at the ID. It's Kat.

"Wassup agent," I say over the phone.

"I've scheduled three photoshoots for you this week. One tomorrow, one on Thursday after school and then one on Saturday."

"They better be shooting from my thighs up unless they want pictures for the next movie of Cast Away." I joke. Kat cracks up laughing.

"Don't worry Nikki," She says in between laughs. "The shoot knows about your injury. They're gonna work around it. I'll send you the times and addresses."

"Alright. Thanks Kat," I say to her.

"No problem. Bye Nikki," She hangs up.


The next day, I have that photoshoot at 4. I change out of my disguise and call a cab. I find the address that Kat texted me and I give the address to the driver. The cab driver starts heading in the direction of the shoot.

I get there in about 15 to 20 minutes. Kat texted me saying that I was doing a photoshoot for Dior. I'm so excited.

I enter the building and I meet the director of the shoot. He directs me to hair, makeup and costume. First I'm fitted into a red dress that covers my cast. Then I'm directed to hair where they take my hair out of the messy bun that I had it in and they curled it. Finally, they do my makeup, using only Dior products to make me look pretty amazing I must say.

I go out onto the set, which has an only white background. The cameramen are ready and the director tells me what kind of poses and shots that he wants. These pictures from this shoot will be going into the Dior Magazine so they better be good.

Now I'm no pro model but I'm pretty good at modelling. I give him the poses he wants, usually with a straight face. There is a wind machine that blows my hair back as the cameraman moves around, getting different shots from different angles.

The whole photoshoot goes for about four hours, me changing my costumes, which are usually ankle length dresses which cover up my cast and the stylists using different shades of makeup on me. They also use different hairstyles and it's pretty exhausting. By the time I get home, which is about 8:30, I'm already worn out.

Homework. I have that to do. Ugh. I go upstairs and lie on my bed.

I grab out my calculus homework and start working on the equations. Alex is already lying on the floor, using her History assignment as a pillow.

After about two minutes of trying to do equations on a worksheet, I completely give up and fall asleep.

Until I hear my brothers yelling. They woke me up. I'm about to go all She-Hulk on them.

No one wakes me up.

I grumble and growl before going downstairs to them watching a football game. I stand in front of the TV

"Hey! Three Little Pigs. Be quiet or you'll regret ever pissing off this Big Bad Wolf," I say before scowling at them.

"Sorry Nikki," They all say in unison.

"I'll turn you into bacon next time," I mutter before going back upstairs and closing my bedroom door.

And that my friends, is how you control your siblings.

A/N: This one was sort of a filler but there was important information here and there, like when Nikki and Alex were considering showing the school who they really were.. 0.o

Things will be getting way more interesting now in the coming chapters.

Stay tuned!

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