Chapter 22 - You Have A Crazy Life Don't You?

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I freeze. I'm silent.

Aiden's in the hospital? Is all I think.

He can't be! I must be dreaming or something.

"Nikki? Are you there?" Blake says, sounding worried. I can hear the sounds of cars through the phone so in guessing that he is on his way to the hospital now.

"I'll be right there," I hang up. I run my hands through my hair and lean my forehead against the wall. Hunter gives me a worried look.

"What's wrong?" He says, coming towards me.

"Do you have a car that I can borrow?" I ask, ignoring his question.

"No but I have Eli's spare keys. Where do you need to go?"

"The hospital. Now."


The car ride is silent. We pull up into the massive hospital car park. I basically run towards the nearest desk.

"I need the room of Aiden Devron?" I say to the lady who doesn't even look up.

"Are you famil-" She asks, finally looking up and recognising me. I took my wig and makeup off in the car.

"Room 62. Floor 3."

I mutter a thank you before speed walking to the nearest elevator, Hunter jogging to keep up with me.

We take the elevator to the third floor. I run through the halls, avoiding patients and nurses, to find room 62.

I finally found it, Blake waiting outside, pacing.

He gives me a hug.

"I-Is he alright?" I ask, tears threatening to fall.

"See for yourself," He says, nodding for me to go in.

I open the door and cover my mouth with my hands.

He had so many tubes and machines connected to him. All of them probably keeping him alive.

He has purple bruises forming on his face and arms. Cuts also on his face.

A doctor comes in behind me.

"W-What happened?" I ask, going over and taking my brothers hand.

"Car accident, drunk driver. Your brother was lucky to get away with some minor cuts and bruises but..."

I snap my head up. "But?"

"But he is in a coma. We don't know how long he will be in it or when he will wake up," The doctor says, giving me a sad look. "I'm sorry."

Tears fall down my cheeks. I squeeze Aiden's hand, hoping to get some response.

Nothing. Not even the twitch of an eye or the movement of one of his fingers.

He's not dead, but he may never wake up.


Hunter and I sit in the chairs outside of Aiden's room. Blake has gone to the cafeteria to call Jacob and get some food for us. I have math homework sitting on my lap, waiting to be completed. I haven't started it yet, even though I should have. I'll be behind since I should be having calculus now. It's silent between Hunter and I.

Or it was silent.

"Nikki, I just wanted to say that I.." He trails off. "I'm sorry about what happened to your brother. I know, anyone could say that but I really do mean it," He says.

I nod. "Thank you," I say so quiet that he could barely hear me. Then he does something that surprises me. He takes my hand in his. I stiffen for a moment, but after realising what he did I relaxed. I squeeze his hand, as if to say thank you.

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