Chapter 29 - U-G-L-Y, You Ain't Got No Ali-

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The next day, which was unfortunately a Monday, everyone at school was buzzing for the prom that was in four days if you don't count today.

I was casually sitting by myself at lunch, reading Harry Potter for the millionth time, when I'm approached by a group of girls. This group of girls just happened to be the schools cheerleading squad.

"Uhh, can I help you girls?" I ask. Most of them wear excited and nervous faces, as if they can't believe that they're in my presence.

A small blonde girl steps forward, who I'm assuming is the group leader.

"Hi Nikki! Um, I, I mean we, have a favour to ask," She says, blushing a bit red in embarrassment. I raise my eyebrow.

"Ask away," I say, looking at her straight in the eye with a questioning look.

She looks at her friends for help but they all shrug. "Well, uh, you see, our team captain, Candice, hurt her hand in an accident. We need a cheer captain for Thursdays basketball game, or else we won't have a proper routine. And since you were amazing in Dance Off..." She trails off.

Dance Off was a film that I was in. I played the main character who joined a dance group that would travel around the country and perform. Of course, I had to have the best dance tutor prepare me for the film therefore I'm a pretty good dancer. Cheerleading is a lot like dancing, right?

"So you want me to fill in for Candice?" I ask, my eyebrows still raised. I know that these girls are worried about what my answer will be.

"Yes," The leader says in a small voice.

I think about it for a second. I would have to choreograph a new routine for these girls by Thursday. That won't be easy. 

"Alright, I'll do it. But, Alex will be my vice captain for the week," They all grin and thank me. After they're gone, the guys and Alex walk over. 

"What was all that about?" Alex asks, sitting down with her tray of food. 

"They wanted me to fill in for Candice for Thursday's game. I said yes, also you're gonna help me," 

She shrugs. "Okay," 

Sam raises his eyebrows. "You two? Cheerleaders?" 

Alex and I share that same look, the look that only best friends can understand. We both stand up and throw our hands in the air. 

"U-G-L-Y YOU AIN'T GOT NO AL-" We both start to yell in unison. 

"Alright alright! We get it!" Eli says, his hands over his ears to cover up our yelling. 

Alex and I highfive. 


Afterschool, Alex and I head to the gym for cheerleader practice. When we walk in, we here pumping music. The cheerleaders are warming up. 

Alex and I walk over. The same girl who approached me at lunch comes over to greet us. She gives us a smile. 

"Hey! Thanks so much for helping us out. My name is Shelley by the way," She says, handing us both a cheerleading uniform. 

"Do we have to wear this all the time?" Alex questions, looking at it. 

"Oh, no! Only on the actual game day," Shelley says. 

"Alright," We both put our uniform on the bleachers and we go over to the rest of the girls. 

"Show us your current routine," I say. 

Shelley puts the music on and they start. 

It was terrible. 

The routine was boring and they used the same moves over and over again. I have no idea what's wrong with Candice's eyes but if she thinks this is good, she may need contacts. 

I give Alex a look. 

"Alright girls, remove that routine from your memories since we will never be seeing that again," I tell them. 

"We have to make this the most legendary routine ever you know," She whispers in my ear. 

"Why else would I be here?" I ask her. 

"Alright girls," I tell them with a grin. "Let's change things up a bit." 


The cheerleaders, Alex and I practiced every lunchtime and for hours after school. I made sure that the new the routine perfectly and that there would never be a mistake. I have to admit, they picked it up quickly.

Anyway, it's game day today. In case you didn't know, when I say game day I mean that there will be a basketball game. Our school loves basketball. 

Anyway, the game is after school. The cheerleaders get there time in the spotlight at half time. I can tell that the word got around that I was the temporary captain since everyone in school seems to be talking about it. 

It's now English and the guys are with me. 

"Everyone has been talking about your so called legendary performance that is happening tonight," Sam says.

I grin evilly. "And they should be. It will be remembered for centuries," I grin. 

"Oh no." 

"Please don-" 


"Please sto-" 

"FOR CENTURIES!" I sing. The guys groan and I throw my fist in the air. 

Some basketball players, who are sitting in front of me, turn around and smirk. 

"Good luck Nikki," The team captain says with a wink. 

"Right back at ya," I tell him. They turn back around when our teacher starts talking. 

Soon, the bell rings and everyone rushes out of the room. The game starts in half an hour so most people would already be heading to the gym. I actually see most people head towards the big doors to the gym. We'll have a big audience then. 

All the better. 

I head to the girls locker room where all of the cheerleaders will be. Alex joins me walking there, we each grab our uniforms out of our lockers on the way there. When we walk in, we see all of the girls already getting changed into their red and black uniforms. 

"Alright girls, I don't have a pep talk prepared but I have a couple words for you," I say to them. "Today, those people in that gym out there, will not know what hit them." The cheer and whoop. Alex and I get our uniforms on and we warm ourselves up, doing little stretches and jogging on the spot. 

We wait a long time. The first quarter has gone by and the second quarter is nearly over. Even though I'm excited, I'm a little nervous too. 

The halftime siren rings. The girls and I put our black jackets on and we put the hoodies over our heads. 

"Let's do this!" Alex yells, throwing her fist into the air. Once we know that all of the players are off of the court, we start yelling. 

We run out there. The crowd cheers. 

The music starts. 

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I decided to cut it short. Next chapter will be in Hunter's POV when he's watching the cheerleading performance. 

Thank you for all of the votes and comments. And for just reading this story and sticking with me through all of the updates. Yes, I remember all of the old readers who have voted from the start. I thank you guys too. 

I'll be posting the next chapter in a couple days maybe earlier. 

Goodbye for now... 

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