Chapter 2 - I Get A Bucket Of Water In the Face

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There is a limo waiting outside for us. We get in and Kat gives the driver, Edward, the address of the studio where the auditions are being held.

"So, what kind of movie am I auditioning for?" I didn't have time to ask her before, she looks up from her phone.

"It's a spy movie, sort of like your situation. The girl is a spy undercover in a school. Ironic, huh?"

"Hah... yeah..." We sit in silence after that.

As soon as we pull up I see the photographers A.K.A the paparazzi, I grab my sunglasses and so does Kat. We put them on as Edward opens the door for us and we walk out, towards the building that we have pulled up in front of.

It's a pretty modern building with fake palm trees and a fountain at the entrance. My house is very close to the beach and so is this building. I guess since we are in the middle of the city, they wanted to make us feel at home. Hah.

Kat and I walk in, it's pretty modern inside. There is a desk at the end of the room with doors on either side. There is a lady at the desk (duh).

There are chairs here too so I'm guessing that we will have to wait. I see other girls, about my age, in the room. They are probably going for the same role as me. I follow Kat to the desk and I see one girl staring at me, I give her a quick smile.

"Hi, this is Nikki Devron and she is here to audition for the role of Katlyn in The Undercover Spy." Kat smiles at the lady and she ticks off my name on a clipboard.

"You will have to wait about 10 minutes before you can go in." We thank her and go to sit down. Kat picks out a magazine and I just sit there, I get my phone out and start to check my social media. After a while I start to notice some of the girls in the room are staring at me... I give them a small smile and before they can say anything, a woman calls my name and directs me into one of the rooms.

There is two men in there, one introduces himself as the producer of the movie and the other is the director. They give me the script and give me a scene to act out. I am given 10 minutes to prepare and memorise the lines before I act out the scene in front of them.

I read over the lines, it's pretty straightforward. The scene is when Katlyn is sad because she was fired from the spy agency that she was a part of, oops spoiler alert. The main male character, whose name is Josh, comes in and comforts her. They happen to be auditioning for the boys role too so when I audition, a guy auditioning for the main boy role will also be auditioning.

"We are ready for you." The director tells me. I take a deep breath and walk back into the room. I see a boy there, who I am guessing is trying out for the main guy role. He gives me a small smile before turning back to his script. He has dark brown hair with eyes that look as deep blue as the ocean.

"You may begin. In the script Katlyn is sitting down crying and Josh comforts her. And... go."

I sit down and take a deep breath. With my acting skills, it's easy to fake cry. Within seconds fake tears are rolling down my cheeks. I read over my part of the script without even looking at the sheet. The boy who is auditioning reads his part and soon we are done. I wipe my fake tears and get up. The director comes over to us.

"Congrats you two, you have been the best people to audition yet," He asks for our emails and we give them to him. "We hope to see you soon." I walk out and greet Kat.

"So how did it go?" She asks me.

"Great!" I smile at her. "I think I did well, but I don't know."

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