Chapter 3 - The Dork Is Revealed

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I was having a nice dream when I heard my alarm clock. In the dream I was partying with Katy Perry, Taylor Swift and, my best friend, Alex Stone. Alex is a famous super model and we have been best friends ever since we were born. I was having the best time in my dreams until I hear the familiar beep beep of my alarm clock.

I feel like grabbing a hammer and smashing on my alarm clock. I am very tempted to do it.

Instead I turn the alarm clock off and get out of bed.  I yawn and walk, like an amazing zombie, to my walk in closet. Now to put on my 'Lana outfit'.

I grab some baggy sweat pants and put an ugly oversized sweater over it. I then grab my oldest and most worn out pair of converse and put them on.

Then for the makeup.

I go over to my mirror which holds all my makeup, perfume etc. First I grab my red wig and put it on. I adjust it so that I look like a real redhead. I grab my green contact lenses and put them in. Now for the tricky part. See I use this moisturiser that pales my skin. I have to put it on my arms, hands, face and occasionally legs when I wear leggings or something. It all takes about 30 minutes, luckily I get up early to do this.

I then put on some pale lipstick and finally, my dorky glasses that have tape stuck to them in multiple places.

Then I look at myself in the mirror.

Ta-da... my dorky disguise is revealed.

I walk downstairs and there is no sign of my brothers. They are probably still sleeping. Crap. I can't be seen in my fancy black convertable so I have to go to school with Blake. I have to be at school in 20 minutes and Blake is still asleep.

I open the pantry to find a quick breakfast and inside I see a can of whipped cream. Then I have an idea. Cue the evil laugh.

I grab the can and sneak upstairs. There are two things that you should know about my family, 1. We love to prank each other 2. Never mess with the Devrons.

I sneak, ever so stealthily, into Blake's room. Just as I expected, he is sleeping. I walk up to his bed and open the can of whipped cream. Blake is a deep sleeper so I will have no trouble with what I'm about to do.

First, I spray the whipped cream all over his T-shirt then I put it all over his hair. I then spray some on his face but it's in the pattern of a moustache just above his mouth. I walk back to my room, quickly so he doesn't wake up, and I grab my phone. I look through the music on my phone.

When I have found a song that Blake hates, I turn my volume way up and gently place my phone onto his pillow, next to his head. The start of the song is silent and then the music starts so I have time to hide. I press play and run out the door. After 5 seconds I hear Uptown Funk play from my phone and I hear Blake yell out.

I try to hold in my laughter but it fails and I burst out laughing.

"Nikki!" He sounds angry and irritated. "I'm gonna kill you!" I run down stairs with him following but whipped cream is falling everywhere and he is slipping over on it and I'm dying of laughter.

I can to stop since my stomach is hurting from laughter. "Get ready and drive me to school!"

"Fine." He mutters back to me and walks back upstairs. Blake has already finished school but he drives me anyway. I think Jacob has already left since he probably would have heard me laughing and Blake yelling. Blake is down in 10 minutes and he still has whipped cream in his hair but I'm not about to tell him that. I grab my backpack while smirking.

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