Chapter 4 - Three Devils On My Doorstep

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I'm such an idiot. How could I not remember my brothers best friends? It all came back to me.

I remember them coming to our house... I used to talk to them...

They are all smirking at me as I remember all the times that they used to come over and play with my brother when they were 5. It's actually really entertaining remembering them when they were little.

The boys and Blake continue laughing and talking while I get in the car. After a while they finally stop talking.

Elliot does this weird handshake thing that boys do with Blake and then turns to me. "See you later nerd." And then they storm in. I resist swearing at them. God, I hate them.

"You know them?" Blake asks me as we drive home. I nod at him and he chuckles. "Of course you do, you used to play with them when you were little."


"Aw c'mon Nikki, they aren't that bad."

"Have you seen them in the past year? Do you remember them at all?" I reply to him. "They are the biggest players in the school. And the biggest jerks."

Blake rolls his eyes. "I was one of them you know."

"Sadly, I know. But at least you have changed since then. They are worse than you were."

I drop the issue and so does Blake, then its silence. When we get home Blake tells me that Jacob is at a friend's house so I go upstairs and take a shower so I can remove all the makeup that I had to put on. I take off my wig and remove my contact lenses.

Once I have changed into my style of clothes I go downstairs and grab an apple from the fruit bowl. Yes, since I'm an actress I have to stay healthy. It sucks, I know. I go over to our CD player, which is in our lounge room near the TV, and I put on a song that I love. I put on Centuries by Fall Out Boy.

Blake groans. "Turn this crap off."

I look at him like I am offended, which I am. "This is like the best song ever."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"It's crap and the band is crap."

"Pfft they are better than the people who you listen to." I reply.

"They are not."

"Yes they are."

"No they are not!" Blake replies, not giving up.

I smirk. "No they are not."

"Yes they are." Blake, being as dumb as he is, answers. 

"Ha! I win." Before he can reply, the doorbell rings I grin and go to answer it while Blake is muttering things to himself.

I automatically think that it's someone delivering a package but when I open the door I nearly scream.

Elliot, Sam and Hunter are standing at my door.

What the hell is going on. 

They look surprised to see me but then they grin and I quickly remember that I'm in my normal outfit. They must be thinking Oh yeah there is Blake's actress sister.

"Well well well, if it isn't the famous Nikki. Hot as ever." Elliot smirks and I nearly throw up. Blake chuckles and comes to the door.

"Quit hitting on my sister Eli, she is probably creeped out and you have been here for 30 seconds." Elliot pouts. I decide to pretend that I wasn't just at school with them this morning and I play the I haven't seen you since I left the country card.

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