Chapter 17 - Back To School... Hooray?

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Blake and I stand flat against the wall just outside Jacob's bedroom. Blake gives me a weird look when I basically pull my head away from the door so fast that my neck cracks. Jacob hasn't noticed us.

Sorry, Jacob and his friend.

What? Blake mouths to me.

Jacob and another GUY I mouth, making a gesture with my two hands mushing together.

Blake's eyes widen. What do we do?

Right about now we have two options, go in and confront them or go downstairs and pretend that nothing happened.

Or at least we did have two options before our home phone rang downstairs. Blake and I bolt down there, while me being quick as hell with my one leg, grab my crutches and go outside. We give it a minute and then walk in like we just got here.

Jacob is down there but where is his friend...?


*Someone whisper yells friends with benefits*

Jacob coughs. "Uh hey guys."

Blake and I don't know what to say. We kind of stand there for a moment, not saying anything.

"Hey... Bro."

Blake goes to pick up the phone. Jacob gives me a weird look. I shrug.

The others come in then, saving us from the awkward silence. I give Aiden a look and incline my head towards the other room. He nods and follows me into the laundry.

Nice one Nikki, laundries are the perfect place to have some privacy.

I tell him everything I saw. From the look on his face, I can tell that he's shocked.

"Are we meant to say something about it?" I ask him.

"I think we should, or at least tell him that you saw him and his-"


He nods and we both walk out of the laundry, looking very casual.

I'm joking we were standing there like idiots, whistling, looking around and being anything but casual.

Again, nice one Nikki. Why didn't you go upstairs you moron?

I don't know self conscience, why don't you get a life?

I don't know, maybe because I am you so you just told yourself to get a life?

I stop silently arguing with myself when Jacob approaches me.

"Hey Jacob." I say, awkwardly looking around.

"Hey Nikki. You look.. distracted. What's wrong?" He asks.

"Uhhh.. ummm... I just wanted to tell you that..." I trail off. I can't do it here, not now with the band here. It needs to be just Jacob, Blake, Aiden and I to be the ones to talk to him.

"I just wanted to tell you that next time you should come with us to dinner?" I say it more like a question but he smiles anyway.

"I will next time." He walks away to go talk to Blake.

I make a phew sound. I say goodnight to everyone and I basically hop up the stairs.

I'm pretty skilled I know.

And then I remember.

School. Tomorrow.

I mentally bang my head against a wall until I think to myself: At least you don't have pink hair.

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