Chapter 9 - Don't Do It

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Warning: this scene includes the use of alcohol and drugs. You were warned.

Aiden's voice is surprisingly  calm when he speaks. "Jacob, put the gun down."

Jacob looks at us with a mix of different expressions written on his face: sadness, anger, hurt, pain.

I feel like my heart is beating out of my chest. Not in the good way either.

Jacob's face then turns to complete anger. "Why should I! I have a fucking terrible life anyway!"

There are bottles and bottles of alcohol everywhere in his room. I can smell and see all the alcohol. How did I not notice this??

Then I see the them. Drugs, ice. Ice is littered all over the room, on the floor.

Drugs and alcohol.

Aiden's voice is still call but I can tell that he's panicked. "Jacob you don't have a terrible life."

Jacob gets even more angry, which is likely to be impossible. "YES I DO! I just found out that my fucking girlfriend, who I loved for years, cheated on me with my best friend! OUR PARENTS JUST FUCKING DIED TOO! Why don't you just add that on to the list! Oh and don't forget, I'm the smallest in the family and all of you fucking have great lives, money, fame and all the people fucking love you. But none of you care how I feel at all! I'm been getting bullied at school for years! Every week the football team would beat me up but not where you could see the bruises! I'm fucking sick of it all!"

He puts the gun closer to his head. My breath hitches in my throat and I freeze.

How could I not even realise what was happening to my little brother? How did I not see that he was in pain everyday?

Blake speaks this time. "Jacob, all of that isn't an excuse to end your life. Your best friends are idiots and I never liked your girlfriend and if you want I'll go down to your school and kick the whole football teams ass. For you. Because we care about what happens to you! All these drugs and alcohol, it's terrible for you. You're not thinking straight. Jacob, give me the fucking gun now." Blake's voice is stern when he speaks.

Just then Jacob collapses and my heart stops.

We all run to him. I don't see a bullet hole and he didn't fire his gun so that's a good thing.

Blake checks his pulse. He breathes a sigh of relief. "He's fine, just passed out."

Finally I can breathe again.


We lift Jacob onto the couch and get to work in his room.

Blake cleans up all the ice on the floor while I grab all the empty alcohol bottles and put them into a bin. The room smells disgusting.

Once we are done, we clean up the things that have just gotten messy over the last couple of days. Aiden disposes of the gun, I don't know where though.

I go back downstairs. Jacob is sitting up on the couch.


He grunts in response.

I take a deep breath. "Jacob. What the hell happened to you? With the drugs and drinking? What happened to my little bro?"

"I don't know. I thought maybe that drinking and stuff would make it all go away. Or at least numb the pain. It made it go away for a while but it just hurt more when it came back."

I nod. "What about your girlfriend? Lisa was her name. What happened with her?"

He shrugs. "I lost interest in her a little bit but I kept telling myself that I loved her when I really didn't. Then she fucked my best friend and I was done with her. It still hurt, she was my girlfriend and my best friend and I lost her."

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