suprise early update!!! Chapter 14

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Hey guys, i wasn't supposed to update until weekend but since my last exam was yesterday, i wanted to suprise you all. so SUPRISE!!!!!!  i'm so happy, i finally finished grade 9 :)



“BEEP BEEP BEEP”. What the hell was that, I wondered. I opened my eyes and noticed that no one was next to me on the sand anymore. I looked in the water and saw everyone playing together in the water having a splash fight.

“Hey, Melody you’re done tanning, now come and join us!!!” Perrie shouted at the top of her lungs as all the boys were splashing her. I nodded and made my way in the water to help out the girls. I realized that it was girls against boys.

“No, she can’t play, it won’t be fair, there will be more girls than boys” and obviously it came from Lily. I glared at her but continued playing.

“Just let her play, babe. Anyways there’s more girls than boys so it’s only an advantage for your team if she plays” Louis told her as he splashed me in the face. Did Louis just stand up for me in front of his girlfriend? I guess he did, just thinking about that made me smile. I splashed him back and went to join the other girls in their ‘battles’ against the boys. All the girls were going against the boys that they loved which meant Louis, Lily and I were just awkwardly staring at each other. Lily kept on trying to play only with Louis but he ‘felt bad’ so he would include me in their games. We played for a long time until everyone was tired and had our skin all wrinkled for being in water for so long. The sun was in the West so we were in the afternoon. Everyone was just doing casual things either alone or in little groups. I was presently really bored so I got up and started walking in the forest again. This place was actually really beautiful. There was so much noise but it was enjoyable noise. Jungle noise, I might call it.

“Hey, can I talk to you” I didn’t even need to turn around to know who it was…Louis. While I was relaxing, I came to the conclusion that I would simply ignore him so that’s what I was doing. I just kept on walking deeper in the woods ignoring him completely. “Look, whether you talk to me or not right now, I am following you until you talk to me.” Have fun with that, I thought to myself sarcastically. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him. He was still shirtless and only had his bathing suit on. Its true when Harry said we had matching bathing suits. His bare chest was inches away from my face. I was a little uncomfortable as to how close we were so I tried to walk away but he only pulled me closer to him. “Talk to me” he said with desperation in his voice. I laughed to myself before answering him.

“No” and I walked away.

“It’s about time you talk to me” he said smirking.

“I’m not talking to you” I said but realized that I just had. He raised an eyebrow at me and chuckled to himself. “Shit” I muttered under my breath.

“You presently are so stop denying it”

“Look, I really don’t feel like talking to you right now so just leave me alone” I rudely replied. It wasn’t very nice but I don’t care about his feelings right now. He hurt me too much to care for him right now.

“Nope, not until I see you smile” he said grinning. I did my most fake smile ever and looked at him. “That’s not a real smile, I know you too well to know whether a smile is real or fake. So I’m not leaving until I manage to make you smile for real.” Um, creep much?

“Good luck with that, you’ll need it because it isn’t happening any time soon” I snapped at him. I noticed that he had finally let go of my hand so I took it as my opportunity to run away. I kept on running but turned around to see if he was following me. Surely, he was only a few meters behind me. I didn’t see the log ahead of my and tripped on the floor. My left knee was bleeding like crazy and it was burning a lot.

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