Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Louis P.O.V.

I watched on how Lily was practically wrapped around me. I could barely move or breathe. Also the fact that her dress was very short wasn't exactly a good thing. Sure, I'm not proud to say this, but she is going to be the mother of my child and this is how she chooses to dress. It's honestly disgusting. Melody, on the other hand, looks beautiful tonight. I only got a quick glance at her before Lily smashed her lips on mine, but it was enough time to notice that she and Lily had the same dress practically besides the fact that Lily's was way more slutty. Melody is so innocent and pure, and I love that about her.

I knew how much their dress costed because Lily had bought it with MY credit card. Sometimes I wonder if she just uses me for my money. She never even seems grateful for all the money I need to spend on her. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Melody coughing and then leaving to our room. I wonder if she's still sick (add in cheeky grin).

"Guys, I just forgot my phone, I'll go get it then join you guys back outside in a few minutes" I said as they all headed out the beach house. I looked for it in the living room for a few minutes but suddenly remembered that I had left it on my night table to charge. I walked in the bedroom and saw Melody just sitting on her bed with her head resting on her knees that were pulled up to her chest.

"Mel, are you alright?" I ask sitting on the bed with her. She gently puts her head on my shoulder and sighs.

"Ya, I'm fine" she gives me a small smile before getting up and trying to put her heels back on. I pulled her back down and she ended up sitting on my lap.

"Hey!" I say flirtasciously (A/N: I don't even think that's a real word but whatever) at her. She giggles and buries her face in my neck trying to hide her blush, which I find adorable. I cup her cheek and make her look in my eyes. "How are you feeling; do you feel better?" I ask her concerned. She nods her head up and down before answering.

"Ya, a lot better actually" she smiles weakly.

"Oh you do" I grin. I bring my lips closer to hers put she pulls away.

"I said not until tonight. It's not night time yet so you can't" she smirks back at me. I pout and she kisses my cheek. I smirk and we both get up. "C'mon, we should get back"

"Wait, don't forget your phone" I wink.

"Oh ya, I almost forgot" she smiled. She walked outside and I waited a few seconds before joining them in the car. Since we are eleven people, we need two cars so I was going to ride with Liam, Danielle, Niall and Melody. Liam was driving and Danielle was in shotgun leaving Ni, Mel and I squished in the back seat. When I entered the car, Melody huffed before going closer to Niall once she saw Danielle looking between us strangely.

Once Danielle turned back around talking to Liam, she discretely placed her hand in mine hiding from all pairs of eyes. I couldn't stop myself from smiling brightly.

"What are you smiling about?" Liam asked me looking through his rear view mirror.

"Oh nothing important, just excited to see Lily again" I said offering Melody a gentle squeeze to her hand. She squeezed back telling me it was fine. Liam sighed before talking again,

"I know I don't normally get involved, but what the hell do you see in her? She so superficial it's not even funny. I just want to slap her sometimes it's unbelievable."

"Woah, did the Liam Payne just swear and talk about violence in the same sentence?" I asked laughing a little and completely ignoring his question.

"Actually it was two sentences by the- Wait, don't change the subject! What do you see in her?" he asked again. I just shrug and look outside my window.

"He has a point ya know Lou. She's maybe not the best match for you. I mean look, Melody would be perfect with yo-" Danielle started talking.

"That's enough. We already talked about it. I'm not interested in Lou and he's not interested in me so can we please drop it" Melody begged blushing furiously. I poked her cheek when the others weren't looking and she blushed even more making me silently chuckle.

"Are you sure you're not interested in him?" Danielle asked smirking brightly.

Melody P.O.V.

"Are you sure you're not interested in him?" she smirked knowingly at me. I don't think it was even possible to blush more than I am right now. And on top of that Louis keeps on poking my cheeks and sides when no one is looking. Liam is too concentrated on driving to even listen and Niall is on his phone probably texting June or something. Finally there was Danielle...she keeps on looking at us questionably for some reason but I brush it off. Hopefully she won't figure out what's going on between us.

"Hmm, I just noticed something very interesting" she said smirking at me and Louis.

"What?" I asked a little nervous. I hope she didn't see our hands.

"It's nothing too important, just that at the beginning of the car ride, you two were like a mile away from each other but now you're practically on each others lap. It's as if you guys had an invisible force pulling you towards each other" she said giggling. It's official, I think she's trying to kill me. I looked down blushing and noticed that she was right. Our legs and arms were touching and my head was almost on his shoulder.

"That's because Niall farted and smells bad" I said quickly trying to laugh.

"Wait what?" Niall asked suddenly aware of his environment.

"Nothing Ni, just go back to texting your girlfriend" Louis said ruffling Niall's hair from behind me and leaving his arm there. He motioned me to lean on his arm so I 'yawned' and closed my eyes resting my head on his shoulder.


I felt my shoulders being shaking lightly. What the he-

"Melody, wake up. We're here. You fell asleep on m shoulder. C'mon, get up the others are already inside" I heard Louis whisper in my ear with his arm still around my shoulder. I didn't want to move, he's just THAT comfy. So I didn't answer him but just cuddled closer to him. I heard him chuckle and ruffle my hair softly. "C'mon we need to go"

"Hmm, no, too comfy" I mumbled in his neck.

"Don't make me carry you cause you know I will"

"No, I'm supposed to hate you, remember?"

"Ya but if we keep on acting like this when the others are around then they'll know that you're faking and that you actually love me" he cooed in a sing-song voice.

"Whatever, I'm not tired anymore" I laughed finally getting up.

"Then lets go" he laughed as we left the car and walked to the club.

"I'm tired of 'hating' you" I said quoting the 'hating' with my hands in the air. "So can't we just tell them that we talked things through and are friends again?" I asked with hopeful eyes.

"Sure, I was thinking the same thing.'ll give us am excuse to spend more time together without them suspecting anything. Did you see the way Dany was starring at us in the car?" he asked laughing.

"Ya that's true" I said laughing. We entered the club and went to join the others.

Well, this would be fun.

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