World of The Dark Ones

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I though I knew what it was to be numb
I thought I knew what it was to be dumb
To be blind
I thought I knew the kind
I thought I had seen it all
I thought I knew how to fall
I thought I never would have to crawl
I had thought I knew all
But what they say if your tall
I just needed more I was never content
But now I wish fate had never Her eye lent
I wanted I knew not what
I thought I knew but
When fate lent her eye
It made me hard cry
I then wanted to die
But I was no near done
The torment had just begun
Now I want less than what I have
I want to trade it for my laugh
I fell so hard I was in the clouds
I was big but I was in the crowds
Some times you crawl you cry you fall
Just when you thought you had it all
You lose what sight you had
You feel never you'll be glad
I now know who's really who
I see better without eyes who knew
I sound better with no sound
I scream loudest with no mouth
Because now I know what is numb
I know how to scream when dumb
I can see when I'm blind
I am now one of that kind
I now know I'll mere see it all
Every night now I fall
Then I cry I have to crawl that's now when I bawl
I now have naught left
I lost my innocence
But here I stand
I hate this land
So I'll go I'll take you with
To whatever world you wish
I write I read and now I dream
Though dreams now dark
In my mind park
I'll make rainbows and I'll make sun
I'll help you have fun
Now you're not the only one
Just because I smile for you
And make for us worlds anew
Don't think that you want to see
Never end up like me
And if you are
I feel you far
I pity you and fly for me
I without eyes search for thee
Help yourself
And have some sweets
For he who eats nere awakes
But from there place this dream it takes
What you are you nere be fakes
So come with me to worlds all new
Because you you already slew
I fly with hoping ones too
But come with me I'll show you truth
So fly with me and take my hand
Now we exit from this land
You may miss your chance
But I'll not leave a one behind
So I'll back to earth to each one find
Time to go don't fare slow
We're off the ground
Love ones found
A fake one there
They fall and stare
A rope a knife
Took no life
They joined me so
Now you know they left that world
Who at them hurled a weight too wrong
But now they're strong
They came with me and now they see
What had then enticed me
A gun a sword
Now to parents reward
Know that they suffer not
But are happy and well looked after
Where in this place they have back laughter
So cry for now and you may mourn
But know from caring arms not torn
They followed me just to see
What gave me such glee
We smile laugh and joke
Just after one short choke
The moment after ecstasy bliss
Even you still they miss
But join them soon at least in love
Look on us from above
Fear not we not in hevn nor hell
But I assure you all is well
Soon you can visit from heaven above
And hug and share in love
I stand and host those you and they loved the most
Not in this world nor in the next
Had I my table set
So come to the land of lives cut short
But try not sight distort
Welcome to the last resort
And have a cup take a drink
If you will see what you think
People placed in darkness lay
Not in the dirt now they play
Children of light carried through dark
Come visit the land built with my heart
Now you may see what we did start
Us three have built with no hands
This their new lands
Come to see what brought me
Now you might just see
Where the dark ones went.

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