I saw a picture of the OK in broken on a shirt and decided to use it as a title for this... sorry. Please, I give credit where it is due. the artist who drew the girl in the OK shirt Thank you.
Artwork by me.Broken
Everyone is
Glass figures haunt the night
Their floating bits that broke of could give anyone a royal fright
But through those shattered pieces hovering near
Comes light beautiful, precious, dear...Some with gears twisted and bent
Sticking out their sides like life that's spent
No rust or imperfections
For they are perfectly brokenAre they broken perfectly
Or just perfection broken
Many they are just broken to the range of perfection
Or perhaps not broken
Just still gears with bodies still in motionBack to the glass tread in the night
Who's heads have shards floating at the rhythm their feet makeOr shall we look to the masked ones at dusk?
The ones who smile eternally
But only not internally
Wrong with a mask with a frown
Will this one also trodden down?
Killed stabbed as the last
The one with frown mask passedNow to the Never Dawn
Where shadows lurk
And darkness spawns
Light made darkness yet shines
Like normal light and such kinds
The streached out forms
Frozen in pain
Or with perhapsThe town of broken things still lives
And it takes on more but gives
A purpose...
Not in life, but death...
The Grand Scheme
Screaches past
And gives an awful blast
A dash of worry a drop of care
The worlds fabric rips and tears
The rainbow flipped and colors skipped
From thence the grey ones come forth
From colour horrid colourless born
But even this horred scratch
Is not enough to catchWhat haunts
What kills
What even thrills
What makes
What breaks
What shakes and mames
What is
What's not
What cries a lot
What makes to cry
What makes lie
And want to die
To cut, to scratch, to burn, purge, deprive of sleep, causes scars and wounds so deep
What makes to break
And aims to kill
What teaches teens the skill
What makes them think it thrill
What chokes
What makes a triggered flash
The thing that comes, goes, and lasts
The thing no one sees
What brings persons to knees
What itches worse than flees
This thing is worse than all of theseThe thing you see but can't escape
What ties to you like dead silver cape
You sort of wear it and sort of hate
What you do willing against your willHorrors far beyond the people mentioned still
Worse off humans than even these
Fragile broken things
When they
beLIEve and say they're OKI can't stand and love the thing that makes me perfectly
brOKenMy reason is it brought me to realise...
In the Dark there's light
There's always Hope
Even a sliver of love
but that's another story, Dove.You fit me like a glove, but I know you, and it is true that you are much better of without me
So know this as I slide this past my throat... You all keep me afloat.
Another special thanks to whomever started the author's notes in italics trend, the writers and players of "let the flames begin" (which I was listening to before writing this), my friends and followers, the people like me, Khaled Hosseini the author of The Kite Runner, anyone who reads this, my family, and to the people who made Wattpad. Thanks' everyone!

Casualepoems by me. Try not to judge too harshly some of these were made at 13-14 years old. The new-ish ones start at "scars inside" so, um... enjoy?