buzz buzz

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Buzz buzz it's me again
Just checking how you've been
Are you good, having fun
Are you running in the sun
Swimming through dreams
Climbing top of tall seams

No. You don't get a happy wake up call

This isn't friendly at all
I'm here to show you how to be
I'm going to make you just like me

Slip and grab that seams end
Unhinge unstich fall again
See the black
See the hate
Stare and know your cold hard fate
See my smile white and grim
I am the death within

I am you the one, you see
Who will now in your stead be

I'll replace you bit by bit
Crafting you as I see fit

Sad and lonely, pinch if care
Dash of anxiety, and there
The recipe for you stew

No one sees and noone knew

Drag you down this hallway dark
Here I'll make my mark
On your forehead at your wrist
Devil's number six six six

Twine sharp yarn thread the eye
Escape get help, oh just try

I'll drag you down and make you mine
Without even ever trying
I'll groom your hear
I'll make you bleed

And it will all be your fault.

You'll think and sink
You'll feel all alone
Always moving never going
Sometimes fast and some days slowing

Now the signs are showing
So give a smile
Give a bow
Show them you're all better now

But come back home
And lie in bed
Thinking that you should be dead

I'll leave you here in your dread


He's not here dear look up take my hand
I'll lead you from this forsaken land
We'll travel far and see the world
Through thick and thin with darts all hurled
No strife to be seen
On this plain of green
Smell the breeze
Feel alive again
Promise dear never give in
You my dear are beautiful
Never let one say not so
If they do they speak wrong
For you my dear are a heavenly song

With hair so long
And scars to match
Find light at last
Find peace my daughter
Not with me
Go see your demon
Set him free
Give him back glee
Though sometimes he'll make you sad
He knows many so you can be glad
Even if you've not beaten him yet
I see your fiery eyes are set

Go my dear show the ones
Who know this dark
That you do too

Let them see and let it be known
You're still fighting
He hasn't won
So drag him here
Keep him there
Treat those who've seen him with great care

Give them hope
Don't hide your pain
Private though it be
Love them too to let them see

That that darkness isn't what they're meant to be

Buzz buzz
It's me again
Wake up deary
Forget be dreary
Drowsy as I buzz again
Slap me one and I am dead

Stretch and yawn
Get up a son
Give em hell
Don't be so soft

Hold the beauty, but love the gun
Hear the engine, bite the steak

Don't be you that's a mistake

No you're awake now
All alone
But not

You know
You saw that bright man fair
When you a different dress wear

Be yourself and be a man
That my dear is the plan
Be soft love flowers hate the powder
Abhor the engine sound
Know what as asleep you found

Buzz buzz it's me again back to sleep to live again

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