Your Hand on my back

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That single touch
That single breath
That single thing that conquers death

The light unsure touch
That makes me whole
That thing that makes me forget everything that life stole

When you say it will be okay
You might just be right
When you say calm down
I'm already calm
When you look my way
I look away

When I have your touch
It's never enough
When I see your smile
I might just have one

When you speak
I can't think
When you seem like you could fall
I whish I could catch you or think at all

I dare not touch for that's for luck
I dare not speak lest my lips be stuck
And from my life your hands have struck

Great art a grand masterpiece
I wish your talent I could lease
I wish I could talk to you
Without having to double doubt every word I say

I thank you for holding me together
But when you leave it tears me apart
Cupid had no bow or dart
But a razor's love has shown your face
I falter near you and lose all grace

For in the sight of an angel
You feel like you'll sink to Hell
But if you went with me then just as well

But that's not what I'm here to tell
I'm saying thank you for saving me
After I died I was set free

Please take my sorrys for I love yous
And in every lie please show the truths

For every time I fall
I wish I had someone like you each day
If only to tell me
It'll be okay

This is what I came to say
Thanks for accidentally putting me back together each day.

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