This is a poem of the five elements
well, for one earth can leave
Earth is of nature but is strength
Stability is key with earth at
Water is flowing changing with time
It is what makes possible a
The hesitation before an answer this is water
it's what makes you
think of a car then your daughter
Fire it is a purge the best there is
destroy to make better bravery is what it is
Air is of Wonder it is of
Air is of falling but toward the sun
fall off a cliff just to
With wonder and air your soul just flies
The fifth is a branch from
one tis true
It's a combination of more than one too
The last element
is ice
Water, air, hope it does entice
It's the best, though I am
That line has no rhyme, oh well
Ice embodies hope, as with daring
and fire
Air is of wonder, earth of strength in the mire
Water is just for
freedom and change, and visions
Ice is my element I see hope in
I see winter as hope for spring
I hope for the warmth that the fire
Water comes of ice when near fire
air is needed to keep fire
Earth is the medium in which they strive
But Ice Ice is the
fifth, the one not mentioned
It's the one that takes all the
Ice is a blade tis true
but also a shield biased men rue
Ice is
cold but much besides
Ice is beautiful it brings in light.

Diversospoems by me. Try not to judge too harshly some of these were made at 13-14 years old. The new-ish ones start at "scars inside" so, um... enjoy?