Chapter 26: 1 year later

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Today I turn 18, I am an independent woman, I can move out and leave my parents, ha funny I barely see them. This school year is almost over, I am graduating soon. This year I worked hard in school and I got good grades, I am very proud of myself.

It's been a crazy year lets catch up, speaking of my parents, my mom is doing bad since the divorce with dad almost one year and a half ago, she has been drinking and getting a different guy home every night, I barely talk to her or see her, in the morning she's in her room and she only goes out at night and if I wanna talk to her she wouldn't be focusing she's usually drunk, I tried talking to her but she almost threw a bottle of vodka at me she's uncontrollable. My dad, he's doing fine, my mom convinced me to go see him a while ago, I went to his penthouse, he's an important business man, he's married to this really nice woman and he has a kid he's one and he's very cute, I will never forget what my dad did to my mom and I will never forgive him but he's still my dad and I have to see him.

Of course you are thinking about Joy, well it's sad to say me and Joy are no longer friends, we fought. We started being distant because of our studies and she wanted to work hard so she can get into Harvard and she did, but then I found out she was babysitting Vanessa and Cameron's baby and I got so mad and we fought. I think she is dating Jack secretly but I am still not sure.

Let's go to Jack, he's doing okay, almost went to jail, two times, it's Jack it's expected. There was this time we got so close and went on a date but I couldn't and I left it, but we stayed friends not as close as before.

Now for Cameron, Joy told me all about his current life. He's living with Vanessa and the baby, they stopped going to school because they are home schooled, the baby is a girl and he named her Venice, yup Venice from the mask, I had mixed feelings when I heard about this. They are living in a nice villa, thanks to Vanessa's dad and Cameron has a part time job, apparently they'll go to college when the baby is at least one, so they are gonna wait like me, they both got accepted in the same college and already bought a house next to it, also thanks to Vanessa's dad. Oh I forgot I also got accepted to go to college not this year the next one as I wanted. Joy told me they are dating but Cameron doesn't seem like the happiest person, he started smoking and she says he doesn't talk to anyone even Jack he stopped talking to him. Cameron is turning down any chances of an acting career and he doesn't accept going to interviews.

Now for me, I have been doing okay, my career is okay too, as the mask was such a success they wanted to do a sequel but I didn't accept. I appeared in a movie or two but not as important as the mask, I haven't been doing any interviews after the break up because I wasn't ready to open up but tomorrow I have this radio interview everyone is talking about and they want to know the truth. As for my love life I am not dating, I went on a date with Jack as I said but I couldn't and I met this guy he's very nice, his name is Colton he's older than me in a year.

6 months earlier

I was walking into the supermarket I really wanted some ice cream so I can watch a movie at home with Joy, today is Friday and it's the evening so it was pretty crowded unfortunate to me, so everyone started talking to me and they wanted autographs and pictures and I love my fans but i need to get ice cream because Joy is waiting for me outside so then this guy game and started screaming he said he was my security eventhough I didn't know him, he got them all out and took me outside "what just happened" I asked "just saved your life i was sure they were gonna stay there like forever, and your welcome" he said he was very good looking "sorry thanks I am Siana btw" he laughed when I said that "I knew that I am Colton btw" he said "its nice to meet you well to thank you for saving me today what about dinner like a thank you one not a date okay ?" I made sure he knew "yes sure don't worry lets exchange numbers" we exchanged numbers then I left.

Back to normal time

So that's how I met him, we have been pretty close friends, he admitted to liking me I don't  think I feel the same way because I don't know I trust him a lot and I told him the whole story with Cameron and he was very supportive and understanding.

After a while I heard a knock "enter" I screamed and Colton entered with flowers and a bag singing "happy birthday to you" and I remembered last year when Joy came in singing to me and jumping my life was way better in the past I feel like I am at my lowest point, so I was in tears not tears of joy but of sadness, I used to have a family a loving boyfriend two amazing friends and a great life but now I have one friend. Colton put everything down and came sat next to me "are you okay ?" He asked "I don't know" I answered "its okay if you are not okay, you know" he told me "then I am not okay" I admitted. "You wanna go get some stuff from the supermarket" he suggested "yes sure let me wear some sweats" I told him taking some sweatpants and a shirt. I changed and we left in his car. We arrived to the supermarket we decided to separate so we get what we both needed i went to the drinks section to get some ice tea and then I went to the chips section. As I was picking chips I heard a manly voice say "hey" so I turned around and my heart just shattered into pieces, it was Cameron he was just standing there, he has a beard his hair is messy he does not look happy after a while I said "uhm hi.." He smiled "how are you" he asked "I am okay I am good good" I said "uhm yea and you how are you ?" I asked "I have been better" he admitted "oh uhm" It was awkward "long hair yea ?" He asked "yes I didn't cut it since.. Well since the mask" he nodded and then I saw Vanessa and a really cute baby girl coming "Cami" Vanessa squeaked "yes Vanessa" he rolled his eyes, Vanessa came over "um hey Siana" she said giving the baby to Cameron and coming to hug me "nice to see you" she said "uhm yea me too" I said playing with my hair it was extremely awkward "btw happy birthday" Cameron said but before thanking him Vanessa said "omg it's your birthday, happy birthday" I smiled "thanks both of you, and congrats on the baby, she's very cute" I smiled and Vanessa thanked me Cameron not caring and then Colton came.

"Siana where are you ? I have been searching for you" everyone looked behind me to see Colton with a cart filled with stuff like candy pasta chips soda... "Colton this is Cameron Vanessa and Venice" I said smiling awkwardly "and this is Colton my friend" I said pointing at Colton "oh hey nice to meet you" he said shaking Vanessa and Cameron's hand "it was great catching up with you guys but I need to go" I said trying to runaway from this conversation "Siana today we are hosting a barbecue everyone will be there if you want you and Colton should come, it will be fun to catch up with you" Vanessa suggested, motherhood changed her so much what happened "we will come" Colton said and I looked at him like what ? How can he make this decision "great see you" . We said bye and left, thank god. I was not okay I just saw Cameron with Vanessa and the baby, he looked awful, depressed and smelled like cigarettes, he's not doing well.
We went to the car and sat "are you serious ?" I screamed "Siana listen" Colton said "you can't just make such a decision no" I said "listen, it's better for you, you should move on, and because you didn't move on far away from him what if you moved on close to him" he explained "psychology major ha? But I moved on" I said and he laughed "you didn't, I drove all the way here to see you and have fun, staying home isn't fun come on just try" he convinced me.

After a couple hours I wore some cute and casual clothes and I was ready physically. We drove to the address they gave us and sat in the car for a while, am I ready ? I am not or I should be. We got up and stood outside the house, I am not ready I know that I am not, I walked away "Siana" Colton said "I can't, I can't Colton no" I said walking away "but Siana" he said "why do you do this to yourself ?" He asked "what do you mean?" He came closer "Siana you are a wonderful girl, you got so many opportunities to be with someone better than this jerk and you always run away" he said "I loved him, you wouldn't understand Colton" I said "really ? Well I love you Siana, and I told you and I've done so many stuff to show you that, I tried to show you that I am nothing like him because I am not and you kept on rejecting me Sia" he said "sorry" "don't apologize it's my fault you will never feel the way I feel for you because you are stuck on him, you are stuck and I won't follow you anymore Sia I am fed up with this" he walked away into the car, and I followed speechless, he drove me home and packed his bags and then he left and the last thing he told me is "good luck" because I need it, such a great birthday, I lost my only friend. I went up and changed.
At like 1:00 am the doorbell rang who would come at such a time ? I went down to open the door and it was Cameron.

Ouhou finally sorry for being late
Thanks for reading
Keep smiling

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