chapter 4: the first day

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My alarm ran, I woke up and looked at my phone and saw that it was 6:00 am, 6? why did it ring at 6 ? "rise and shine princess" that was my mom, she came in and oppened the curtains, i remembered I have school.

I got up went to my closet and picked a really cute outfit, a pink skirt and a creamy colored shirt some gold sandales and ofcorse my Louis Viton bag. I took a shower, put on my clothes and then put some bronzer, eyeliner (wink eye) and lip gloss, i took a good look in the mirror and then went down stair for breakfast.

After breakfast, I put my brown prada sun glasses and went to my white Rang Rover, my second car.

I left my house thinking is it going to be good or are they gonna treat me differently?

I arrived to school and parked before some other convertible car with 3 girls in it, i was cheking myself in the mirror when a brown haired girl who was in the car tapped my glass, i opened it she said "thats our parking spot" with a mean voice, i took my glasses off to show her who I was, I was in no mood to argue, and her mouth formed an o shap, she was shocked "sisisisiana" "yes" "i am sorry we can find another parking spot".

I exited the car and enterred the school, people were looking at me shockingly but they were happy.

I enterred what looked like the principals office and there was this cute looking guy sitting outside, he looked at me and smiled i smiled back.

I knocked on the door "enter Ms.Brad" i entered and saw a guy in his middle 40s, i shook his hand, he gave me a sign to sit and i sat down, "such a pleasure to have you as a student here" "thank you".

"Of course you saw that guy sitting outside" "yes i saw him" "he will be showing you around he kind of is in trouble" from the first day ? "okay", "Cameron get in here" i guess that's his name, he enterred having this annoyed look on his face "yes" "show Ms.Brad around school" he looked at me "you mean the new rich kid ?" what he didnt notice me? the principale laughed "just take her" i just noticed i forgot my sun glasses on haha.

I got up and smiled to the principal, we went out the office, he looked at me and said "hi I am Cameron you can call me Cam" i tooke of my glasses and said " I am Siana but you can call me Sia"he looked really shocked " you,you are that model" "yes I am that model and I want to be treated normally".

He showed me around and then I had class, he took me to class and went, he was nice.

When I finished class, it was lunch time, I went to the cafeteria, but i didnt really want to eat so i took an apple and went to find a seat alot of people wanted me to sit next to them, but I didn't want that, so I went over to a girl who was sitting alone reading a book. "Hi can I sit with you?" i asked "I am reading find another table" "I am new my name is Siana" I put my hand in front of her face, she looked up and all her expressions changed to happy "Oh sorry I thought you were here to bully me, sit please, my name is Joyce but call me Joy" she is so cute, i like her.

I sat down and wondered where is Cam? And then I looked to the door and saw Cam with a blond cheerleader and another guy he looked hot and he had a brunette cheerleader "these are the populars Cam and Jack and the girls are just some toys, they are players" i saw Cam smile at me and then he said something to the two cheerleaders and came my way "hey Sia" he said "hey" "Cam, how do you know the model?" that was his friend,"this is Jackson but call him Jack" "hey" i said "hi".

"Do you want to sit with us?" said Cameron "yes sure" he had cute brown eyes.

I went with him and sat on there table with some guys and cheerleaders but it didnt feel good.

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