Chapter 29: where are you now ?

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We were still sitting in the living room, Cameron's mom was crying, everyone was worried about him. Venice was sleeping peacefully.
I decided to call Cameron, it went to voicemail "hey Cam it's me Siana, I understand why you left but we need to talk please" and then I locked my phone, after a while my phone rang everyone looked at me, I answered "yes Ty" she started explaining to me the plans for tomorrow "but I can't travel you know what's been happening, please, yes thank you" I said then hung up. I started thinking about all the places Cameron could be in, but he didn't have any family other than here.
The door bell rang, I went to open, Vanessa's parents entered "hi dear how are you ?" Her mom asked "we're here to take Venice so she can see her mom" she said "I was told it's gonna be here" Cameron's mom comes "we changed our mind" her dad said "no, that baby isn't leaving with you whatever happens" she cried "she needs to be with her mom" Vanessa's mom screamed "in rehab ? I don't think so she's staying here and Vanessa can go get her treatment and come back she will be here waiting for her" I said "it's all your fault anyways so stay out of it" her dad said and her mom nodded "you're in my house so I can't stay out of it and she's not leaving" I barked back "you're pathetic, your ex boyfriends child in your house ?" Her mom laughed and then a voice came from behind "no one calls my daughter pathetic in her house" it was my mom, I smiled "go get Vanessa, she's in the car I saw her, let her see Venice and she will go before I change my mind, and I will have to call the police for you to go" Vanessa's parents frowned at what my mom suggested "okay" her dad said leaving to get Vanessa.

I went to the kitchen and sat down, Colton came in "Are you okay ? Vanessa is outside" He informed me with a worried face "yes I am it's just that I had to cancel a photoshoot and an interview, I'll have to make it up, and there's Venice and oh god" I said shaking my head "you have to chill Sia, you have to take a break from everything" he suggested, "like Cameron did ? I can't leave everything and everyone behind" I said "they're not your responsibility, Joy betrayed you, Jack didn't stay by your side and Cameron cheated on you, so why the hell are you helping them ? You have to think of yourself Siana because you're not doing well, move on please" he said putting his hand on mine, I frowned "I..I don't know".
"Let's go somewhere exotic, or somewhere touristic as you like, but let's leave this summer after your graduation" he suggested "I'll think about it" I said getting up to hug him "can you stay tonight ?" I asked "yup" he smiled and hugged me tighter he makes me feel safe.
I went out, Joy was sitting on the couch next to Jack who had his arm around her and next to her was Vanessa, looking so pale and tired, her wrists were covered, she was holding Venice, her parents were arguing on the other side of the room, Cameron's mom was sitting on the sofa looking at the baby and Camilia was somewhere in the house. Should I leave everything behind ? Colton might be right it's not my problem, I have to decide graduation is in a week. "What are you thinking about" I didn't notice Jack had gotten up and came to stand next to me "this crazy idea Colton has" I said "I bet he has lots of crazy ideas for you" he said smirking "ew you're disgusting" I groaned and looked away "anyways what's that idea ?" He asked curiously "to go on a vacation after grad but I can't leave everyone and everything" he nodded "the guys totally right you need this vacation because you have nothing to do with anything that's happening and you need to move on from Cam once and for all, I would have taken a vacation if it wasn't for.." He stopped "Joy ? I know and if you really wanna make stuff serious you have to admit that in that weird heart of yours there are feelings" I said and turned to leave "Siana" a voice screamed Vanessa, everyone looked, she was looking at me like a cartoon with flaming eyes, "I was living happily and you ruined everything, it's your fault this baby won't live with her parents, you are evil I hate you" she said getting closer and then she attacked me pulled my hair scratched my face slapped me but I was frozen I couldn't do anything it's like my hands were tied up, I started hearing screams and then someone pulled her away, I looked around there was a circle around me and Jack had Vanessa by the arms so she doesn't move, he screamed "you're crazy, ma'm sir take your lunatic daughter she's dangerous for V" and her parents took her she was trying to escape and before she went out the door she shouted "everyone hates you bitch".
I stood up everyone came close, I pushed everyone away and ran to my bathroom. I looked at the mirror, my hair was crazy, I had a bruise on my left cheek and a scratch next to my right eye, I washed my face, as much as it burned it still felt good, why am I going through with this ? Why can't I let him go.
The door to the bathroom started banging "one minute" I said, I dried my face and opened the door smiling like everything is fine, it was Joy and Colt "are you okay" he said "yes I am totally fine" I answered walking past them to go downstairs, I went to the living room where everyone was sitting "Ms.Martin sorry for being rude and not asking do you want something to drink ?" I asked and they all looked at me weirdly "no thanks dear" she whispered and then Camilia stood up and went to look at the pictures on the table "I swear it's like watching a tv show, model falls in love model gets betrayed, model helps everyone out, then model gets hit and model becomes crazy" she laughed "Cami" her mom shot her a look "Cam just goes for the crazy ones yeah ? And the rich ones and the hot ones, what a coincidence" she shrugged her shoulders, Cameron's mom got up and took her purse "we should leave, Camilia lets go".
I watched them go out and then I sat on the couch, like nothing had happened, I usually would have cried but I can't anymore, crying won't fix anything, I need this break "Colt lets go to Italy" I suggested "Italy ?" Asked Joy "yea on a vacation you guys can stay in my house and take care of Venice" but before anyone could answer my phone rang "Siana don't forget in 20 mins you have a phone radio interview you know what to do" Ty said and hung up. I went upstairs and closed the door of my office, actually it's my moms and I waited for the phone call, after a while I heard my phone ring so I answered:
Siana : Hii
Reporter: hey Siana how are you ?
Siana: I am great so excited to have a chat with you guys, I am so sorry I couldn't be there.
Reporter : it's fine we are so happy to have speak with you too. We haven't seen you in a while, what have you been up to ? We miss you and your fans of course.
Siana: well I've been busy trying to graduate from high school and Ive been focusing on my studies but after this summer you'll be seeing a lot of me.
Reporter: oh great. So it's been like two years since your break up with Cameron, and you were seen with a new guy identified as Colton, are you with him ? Or are you seeing someone ?
Siana: no I am single.
Reporter: are you in contact with Cameron ? Last time he was seen was next to your house a couple of days ago.
Siana: no I am not in contact with him.
Reporter: what are your plans after graduation ?
Siana: well I am gonna keep it a surprise but you'll be seeing a lot of me.
Reporter: thank you so much for speaking for us
Siana: you're welcome thanks for having me.

I hung up


"You're gonna miss prom ?" Joy asked, "yea sadly I really wanted to go" I pouted "but it's fine I really need this break" I smiled. After my graduation I will have to go catch a flight to Italy, I need this break.
One chapter left guys and then the Epilogue

Keep smiling xx

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