Chapter 33 - Joe

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'Should I even trust you with a hot pan?' I asked Ella, who had the pan preheating watching a small piece of butter melt whilst separating rashes of bacon we brought earlier on baking paper on the kitchen counter. I was standing a few feet away, whisking eggs up with a pinch of salt and pepper. We had finished off our shopping in Truro and felt like we had brought a bit too much for the few weeks we would be down here – especially as the boot was overflowing and we had to use the passenger back seats as make shift bag carriers.

'Should I trust you with a cold pan?' She asked, quickly darting over and putting her hand flat into the bottom of the pan. I jumped over, yanking her hand out as I looked at her like she went crazy. I was about to yell at her for doing something stupid and dangerous to herself, but she just smiled a cheesy grin and pointed to the arrow on the dial where it pointed to 0.

'You forgot to turn it on,' She whispered, looking down at my hand wrapped around her wrist. I dropped her wrist and it fell to her side like a puppeteer had cut the strings to their prized puppet.

'You could have told me without giving me a heart attack.' I replied, turning the dial to a medium heat.

I crept around the back of Ella, who was now reoccupied with the bacon in her pan, to get a fork out. She gently looked at my arm, then around at me, and smiled gently, before turning away. I wanted to ask her, I really wanted to ask her what's going on, but what if she's just flirty whilst I'm here falling in love with her? That would just be so embarrassing. I could not deal with that. Instead, I decide to keep quiet, whilst it was silently killing me inside.

We were joking around when cooking, and even when Ella accidently touched the metal on the handle and burnt herself, she was still laughing.

'Kiss it better.' She joked, so I did. I enjoyed the privilege too much. I wish I could always be there to kiss everything better. It only took about twenty minutes to cook everything properly, and only a further twenty or so minutes to eat.

'Wanna go down to the beach?' she asked,

'Uh, yeah okay.'


'Brilliant.' I watched Ella take off her shirt so she was just in her bra in front of me, tastelessly keeping her back to me the entire time whilst putting one of the shirts she brought earlier on. I knew Ella had no issues with changing like this, as she found it stupid we sexualise underwear, but she pulled out the clothes she decided to wear. A baggy marl grey shirt, brought a size or two too big for her slight frame, and coming down to just under her bum. We hadn't unpacked from our shopping trip yet, so the bags lined uniform in the lounge.

'You going to get changed?' she asked, turning around, pulling down her shirt. The baggier size meant lower cut, revealing some cleavage. It was very hard not to be turned on by this display.

'Sure, let me just get my clothes.' I replied, standing up.

'Just get changed here, I don't care.' She replied, taking off her jeans and searching in the bag for some shorts. When she found the pair she wanted, she quickly slipped them off as I was taking off my shirt. Despite it being six o'clock, it was still warm. I decided just to go down to the beach with no shirt on. I took off my pair of jeans, leaving them on the pile on the floor with Ella's clothes, and she passed me a pair of shorts, carefully examining my body as she did. I saw the slight smile.

'Like what you see?' I commented posing.

'Get changed.' She laughed, throwing the pair of shorts she picked out for me at my head. She did the same as I did, quickly putting on a pair of jeans, snapping the plastic tie to the label.

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