(Releasing Joe) Chapter 59 - Ella

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I pulled up our hired car in the driveway in front of the double garages, putting on the hand break before turning of the ignition. I sighed slightly, frowning at my childhood house completely terrified of what was to come. Whilst near enough all my brothers had met Joe, they were only able to visit for a few days and none of them saw me conscious with him. They had treated him civilly, almost like the way they would treat a doctor or one of my friends. I suppose none of them had known that we were Soulfinder's as Joe completely chickened out of telling them and waited for me to wake up to tell them – and by that time they were back in Colorado. The brother's that stayed over – well, it was only Zed and Xav who could break their previous commitments – had got to know Joe and I together and were completely chill with the whole thing. Everyone had seemed absolutely over the moon when we got engaged but all my other brothers were getting annoyed that I hadn't brought him over to meet the family yet. I protested that it was because I wasn't allowed to fly yet (which was true – doctors orders) but if Joe didn't book the tickets for us, and Maui guaranteed them, I would not have come over. I wasn't looking forward to this in the slightest.

'Ella, you're stalling hun,' Joe whispered and I realised I've been looking at the house in slight horror for near enough five minutes, 'They'll be fine with everything,' Joe whispered and I nodded.

Would my religious parents be overly happy that I managed to get pregnant during a one night stand? Debatable. Could you call them religious? Also debatable. Saul was part of a mountain tribe and always saw my moves as something to do with ancestors, whilst Karla was of Catholic blood line – that would be the issue. Karla wasn't happy when I told her how could we all be sure we were "straight", we never knew if our Soulfinder was of a different gender or not. I didn't really care, finding personality much more interesting than gender. When one of my brothers pointed that I would probably be classes as bisexual, it didn't concern me in the slightest. Karla then also gave me a massive lecture when I said I don't see the issue of having a child out of wedlock and relatively young if you were willing to dedicate your life to your child, and you were able to financially support said offspring. We always had conflicting opinions which were usually caused by her Catholic bloodline, and my open thinking. Saul would never be the issue, really, apart from maybe just giving Joe and I a stern lecture, it would be Karla. She had always lectured me about staying "pure" until marriage, which I just winced at. Karla would not be happy that I was pregnant way before marriage and she would be so annoyed if she found out that I got pregnant when I wasn't even with Joe. Two options; tell her the truth or say we were together but I just never told her.

'They won't even ask, come on. Let's face the music.' Joe whispered obviously spying on my thoughts. He opened the door, kicking it shut behind and coming around my side of the car, opening my door after. He gave me his hand after I unbuckled my seatbelt and he pulled me to a stand. I sighed and walked over towards the door. Here goes nothing.

'I'm home,' I called into the house the second the door opening, but no one replied. I pulled Joe in slightly as he held my hand. 'Anyone home?' I repeated but sure enough no one replied.

'You're an idiot,' Joe laughed, grabbing my waist and hugging me. 'You said you'd be here tonight so we didn't have a surprise party to be greeted too. That's why no one's home – they aren't expecting us to rock up,'

'I thought I was being smart,'

'You were!' Joe kissed me gently as I wrapped my arms around his neck, going on tiptoes to deepen the kiss. He groaned slightly, kissing me deeper his hand tightening around my waist, lifting my shirt up slightly to rub my back as I played with the buttons on his jeans, slowly undoing them with my other hand toying with the hem of his Calvin Klien's.

'None of that in your parents house,' Joe said, smiling down at me as I pretended to sulk.

'But it was fine at yours –' I hesitated slightly, hearing the slight squeaking sound. I frowned looking towards the closed kitchen door and heard the sound of scratching on the wooden door. Excitedly I jumped up and bounded towards the door, opening it up to be greeting by our border collie dog, Cotton.

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