Chapter 35 - Ella

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I sat on the sofa, legs up to my chest with Joe's arm around my shoulders pulling me into him. My hand sat on his thigh, and I was amazed at how relaxed I felt. Everything had happened in such a short time when I was so tired and worn down that I didn't have much time to comprehend what was actually happening. I mean, I was fully aware of what was happening but it was more why it was happening and what I was feeling about it. Was that weird? I was completely pissed off with Joe one second down on the beach, even though I knew it was irrational. I felt like such a knob. Do you ever do that? You do something whilst knowing it's irrational but a feeling completely over rides you. Sounds weird, but it always happens when hormones are flying around. I could blame this all one me stop taking the pill. I mean, I was still on the implant (you can't really stop taking a thing that is in your body – literally) so I really couldn't see any point of continuing to take a pill that was doing nothing. It wasn't like I got up to much anyway, and it was just to make paperwork a lot easier and insurance a bit easier to cover in America. It literally meant Vick could tick the "not pregnant" box without questioning me eight thousand times – a conversation that wasn't fun. Not only that, if the pill or the implant failed, there would be a wonderful payout too (and a baby, too,) but that was so unlikely. I mean they were both prescribed by secret services. That's the only reason I took them. However, now I was down in Cornwall I only needed one or the other. I didn't even bother taking the tray of contraceptive pills with me which Jake smuggled into my bad even though I told him not to bother. About seventy two hours after my last pill. It would be about right for my hormones to be all over the place now. Side effects of not taking it; mood swings and irrational anger.

I knew yelling at Joe for no reason wouldn't achieve anything but I was slightly annoyed he considered the thing that could kill me in seconds funny. But I knew he wasn't laughing at me. I knew he saw something, and he was using his gift, I could tell it. I still took the easy route out of yelling at him. And then he broke the rule neither of us were meant to break; talking telepathically. He found out.

But he was so nice about it. He was so gentle and so caring and it wasn't fair. Now I felt like an utter prick for hiding it from him.

'You over think a lot, don't you?' Joe asked, rubbing my knee. I was just in my boxers and his long shirt, having taking the jumper off when my temperature got up to a normal temperature. He still kept his grip around my shoulders, though, and left me tucked up in the crook of his shoulder. I almost felt at home there.

'Yeah, sorry.'

'Don't apologise,' Joe said, kissing the crown of my head. 'I was the one that was eavesdropping. Good to know about the whole pill implant thing,' He simply said.

'Good to know?' I laughed, looking up at him with an eyebrow raised.

'None of that, Ella, behave yourself, girl.'

'You were the one that suggested that!'

'Behave,' Joe joked, tickling me as I curled up slightly laughing. He carried on, probably guessing how much I hated it.

'Stop that, Joe!' I laughed but he continued to laugh as he tiggled me. I laid down, curling up again facing into one side of the sofa. 'I surrender whatever, just stop that!'

'Glad we sorted out your ticklish, too.' He simply said as I rolled over. Before I even noticed, he was laying down behind me, his back flushed to the backrest of the sofa, his arm around my waist and the other arm straight under my head.

'We can't just sit here and let the bomb exploded, Joe.' I mumbled, glad that I could pretend to watch the news rather than look at him in the eye for this impending situation. Granted, Joe is a bit of an idiot but he has a heart of gold. He wouldn't let that happen either.

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