(Releasing Joe) Chapter 69 - Joe

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2:38pm, the same day.

'I mean, I know people say in the books to use metaphors to describe the pain but I just feel like a complete and utter twat,' Ella said, sitting cross legged on our sofa with me sitting on the floor in front of her, looking at her slightly confused.

After Ella's waters broke in the early hours of this morning, and my following existential crisis when I realised we were going to be parents, she had continued to get these stomach pains which were contractions in the very early stages of labour. We had called the midwife as soon as it was an alright time, and she confirmed Ella was having contractions (although Ella still called them stomach pains as they weren't too bad yet) but because she was early she would have to go into hospital once the pains started to get worse. If we were still only a centimetre or two dilated, which was what the midwife said Ella was when she visited at around ten this morning, we would have to go into hospital for Ella to be given a drug to quickstep the labour. Ella protested, but it would be the only way or she could be stuck in this crappy stage where nothing much is happening but the anticipation is palpable for God know's how long, and the risk something bad happens to our daughter increases greatly.

'Maybe next time don't say the pain is like getting stung by a bee in your vagina to a very serious woman,' I joked and she rolled her eyes.

'She can go fuck herself once the baby is out. I'm never seeing her again.' Ella said.


'I'm literally about to push a watermelon shaped thing out of my vagina and you put it there, don't play the language card,' Ella joked, laying down on the sofa. The anticipation was killing us both off. We weren't too sure what to do. We didn't want to tell anyone when it was still in this pointless stage of labour, so we couldn't visit anyone. We both had the day off so our passes into Maui wouldn't work and we had already done the suggested things from the midwife; go for a walk, take a bath, cook something.

'I didn't realise days could drag this long,' I said.

'We're not going to have the baby today,'


'No, I got a feeling maybe tomorrow. What day is it today – the 6th?' Ella said, looking at the little wooden block calendar we had in front of the fireplace which was decorated for Christmas. 'Nah, not today.'

'Hmm,' was all I could say. I knew our daughter was born when it was snowing, and had a thick blanket across the floor. I also knew our daughter would be born in the dark hours, as the blinds were open in the room we held our daughter and it was pitch blank but had that seemingly white glow, the trees coated in the snow. I checked the weather and we were only due snow today, and not tomorrow like Ella suggested. 'We'll just have to wait to see what baby wants to do,'

'You better have your shortlist of names ready.'

'You still want me to name her?' I asked, slightly surprised. Ella wanted to let me name the baby because of everything I had done for her, but she would have done the same back. I didn't want to take such liberties, especially not on our first child, and I wanted us to come up with a name we both wanted and agreed suited our child.

'Yeah, of course.' Ella said, fidgeting with the blanket on top of her. I scooted towards her, brushing her hair slightly.

'I have a few ideas, but I won't tell until she's here,' I joked around, but was lying. I had no idea what to name her and had no ideas either. I was totally and utterly screwed.

'Let's hope she gets a wiggle on, then,' Ella said, sighing.


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