Chapter 43 - Joe

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Before we get started, at the end of the chapter in the comments there's a question I need your help with! :D

1:48pm, the same day

I held Ella's hand swinging it wildly between us as we walked out of the front entrance of Barnstaple hospital. We managed to get Ella discharged early without an ultrasound telling the nurse we had managed to book an appointment for when we got home. Reluctantly, they had to let Ella go. Well, they discharged "Laura". On my back I had the small backpack we brought into the hospital with a bottle of fizzy inside, a pack of Glacier Ice Fruits as the doctor had told me Ella's blood sugar was dangerously low due to the loss of blood.

Turned out the loss of blood was due to a small stress-related haemorrhage in her womb – something caused by the pregnancy. It was completely normal, the haemorrhage, in the tunnel of the something. It happens in one in three pregnancies, but due to the stress that we were under at the moment it burst. Nothing bad had happened to the baby the nurse had reassured us but we had to get an ultrasound the second we get back.

I couldn't hide my excitement about the whole thing. I tried too but I think Ella had picked up on it. All I ever wanted was my Soulfinder and children; and both of those things happened within a few days of each other. I didn't want to tell anyone, especially not Ella, how much I wanted her to keep the baby. Would it be a bit weird if I confessed to her how much I wanted a child and that I loved her or did it seem a bit forced? If I told her how much I wanted a baby would she just assume it was because of the pregnancy?

'What are we doing now?' Ella gently asked, smiling for the first time since she was admitted into hospital and I smiled down at her, putting my arm around her shoulder and hugging her to my side.

'I guess find an ATM, withdraw a mega fuck tonne of cash and find a good romantic hotel for us to stay in for a few days, then I'm taking you out for dinner.' I explained, taking her to where I parked the car. By the time I pulled up and parked in the hospital, Ella was half asleep in the passenger seat so she didn't realise where she was.

'Why?' She stopped dead in the middle of the street. I pivoted on the balls of my feet and walked back over to her, grabbing both of her hands and that the top of my shoes were on the top of hers.

'Because you're beautiful and you're my Soulfinder, so I'm going to treat you like a princess, because God know's what will happen in the new future so I'm going to cherish the time I get alone with you. That includes spoiling you. So, we're going to get back in the car, drive around until we find a lovely little hotel with a free room with a double bed, before we hit the town and find you a wonderful dress or suit, I don't mind, and then I'll take you to dinner and give my jacket when you walk home. I know it's corny but at least give me a chance to show that we can be normal?' I told her, leaning down so I could rest my forehead on hers, looking her in the eye.

'I don't quite know what to say,' Ella owned up honestly.

'Come on then,' I said, pulling her hand so we walked towards the car.


A few hours later, we had manage to find a four star hotel on the edge of the River Taw, the main river running through the town down to the ocean. The view from our room was spectacular – you could see the large concrete bridge with cars and pedestrians and looking down you can see the empty fields by the river. As Ella looked out the large patio window, which led to our personal balcony I crept up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, rocking her slightly.

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