Chapter 1

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"Jimin, get up" I heard my mom call from downstairs

I lazily rubbed my eyes looked at my phone for the time.

"Holy crap! It's already 7 and school starts at 8. I can't be late on my first day!" I said to myself as I hurriedly got out of bed.

"Park Jimin, are you up?" My mom called again

"Yeah eomma, I'm already up!" I shouted so she could hear me

"Hurry up" she yelled

She is so annoying.

I rolled my eyes and got in the shower and quickly washed my body.

A few minutes later, I went downstairs and greeted my mom as I entered the kitchen.

"Hey mom," I said hugging her

She didn't hug me back. Instead, she lightly spanked my head.

"You're gonna be late" she scolded me "You're so slow!"

I mentally rolled my eyes. I love my bed than anything else on this Earth. My little sister came skipping into the room as she looked at me weirdly.

"Your hair looks like poo," she said

I gave her a fake smile "Kara, your hair looks like wild bushes"

"Jimin, stop bullying your sister" my mom yelled at me

"But I-"

"Save it," she said holding her hand up "Go get in the car"

I sighed and did as she said. She gets on my nerves sometimes, but I still love her.

A few moments later, my mom and my sister came in the car.

"Where's appa?" Kara asked

"He's already at work," my mom said "Don't want to be late, unlike somebody"

I knew she was talking about me. My mom has been acting quite weird ever since we moved to this neighborhood in Seoul. We arrived here last week after we moved from Busan. I didn't go to school last week as I was sick. It's my first day and I'm already late. As we pulled up in the school's parking lot, the bell rang.

"Great" my mom commented "Let's hurry or I'll be late for work"

We quickly walked to the principal's office and he gave us a stern look. Looks like he doesn't smile too often.

"Sorry we're late sir," my mom said trying to explain to him why we're late

"Mom," Kara said pulling on my mom's dress

"Not now," she said


"Excuse me for a minute," she said to the principal "What is it, Kara?"

"Why are there worms in that man's forehead?" She asked referring to the wrinkles on his head.

I tried to conceal my laughter. 5-year-olds are so outspoken these days.

"Kara!" My mom said also trying to contain her laughter

"It's okay ma'am," he said smiling at her "kids will be kids. Aren't I right little one?" He said to Kara

Kara rolled her eyes at him "Kid my a-"

I placed my hands over her mouth but she bit it and I screamed in pain.

"Brat!" I screamed while chasing her around the office.

She ran out of the office and went in the halls running around like a wild animal.

"Kara, stop!" I said trying to make her stop

"Catch me if you can loser!" She said still running

I sped up and just as I was about to turn the corner


"Ahh," the boy said holding his head


"I am so sorry" I said with wide eyes "A-are you okay?"

He looked up at me. I froze. He was the most handsome boy I've ever met in my entire life. His eyes were sparkling and his lips were pink and attractive.

I snap myself out of my thoughts as I caught on to what he was saying.

"," he said

I didn't catch the first part so I was confused

"Huh?" I asked

"Nevermind," he said and walked away

I stood up and stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Yah Jimin Oppa!" Kara called "Your face is red"

What? I touched my face and realized it was hot. I was blushing.Who is that guy?


I know this is lame okay......

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