Chapter 17

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"Grab a drink" Kara nudged me.

We were in a club filled with underage kids doing things my imagination couldn't imagine. I hesitantly picked the drink up and sniffed it.

"First time?" Kara asked over the booming music

I nodded and she laughed "Just try it"

I put the strong liquor near my nose and it curled. It was too strong. I finally gained the courage and chugged it down. I coughed and asked for water. It burned my throat to the point I felt like it was on fire.

I grabbed the water from Kara's hand and rapidly swallowed it.

"Why does it burn so much?" I asked

"Doesn't it feel good? Don't you feel your senses becoming heightened?" she asked placing her hands on her hip.

"Yeah" I said confidently "It does feel good. I think I want another"

"That's the spirit" she encouraged and tossed me another one.

I quickly swallowed it and tried to ignore the burning sensation. After a few drinks, I got used to the feeling and wanted more. Someone dragged me on the dance floor and I let my body sway with the music.

The person moved their body against mine and i grabbed a hold of their waist. I couldn't tell whether it was a boy or girl, but i didn't care. I was too intoxicated and light headed. The person moved away from mine only to be replaced with someone else. A familiar scent caught my attention. It must be one of my friends. I pushed the thought away as thinking made my head hurt.

"Enjoying the dance?" The voice said. I picked up that it was a male

I responded by pulling him closer. Our faces were literally an inch apart and I could feel his breath on mine. It was more intoxicating than the liquor. He closed the gap by planting his lips on mine. He moved away and stared at me.

If my vision wasn't so blurry, I could tell who the person was. He let go of me and ran off somewhere. I staggered my way to the chair and asked for another drink. I was handed a drink with no hesitation. I quickly drank it and my head started to pound.

"How's the party?" A high pitched voice said. Even in my state, I could tell it was Kara

"I..*hiccup* love chicken" I slurred "It's *hiccup* very very *hiccup* huge" I started laughing and I heard a couple people chuckling.

A girl sat beside me and touched my face.

"Mom" I said "you look absolutely stunning today"

"You're so wasted" the girl said "I should get you home"

"No" I said shaking my head "I'm having too much fun"

"Is he drunk?" a male voice said

"Yeah and I wanted to carry him home, but he refused"

"I'll do it" he offered

I started sobbing "You know who I love? This boy called Jungkook and he's super handsome" I said caught up in my drunken world "He was in love with this girl and I hated it, I hated it so much. I lied to her and said some horrible things to her. I told her how much of a slut he seemed like to her and how many guys fucked her at his house. I wanted him to be mine and only mine. It's unfair for others to have him. I just need him for myself"

I felt a sting across my face and people gasping. My face was wet and I furiously wiped it off.

"Oh look" I said "The liquor's coming through my eyes"

"Come on" the same voice from earlier said "I'm taking you home"


I woke up to a pounding headache and the need to vomit. I tried to get up, but a hand stopped me.

"Don't even think about it"

"Oh..hi mom" I said nervously "What are you doing here?"

She smacked my head "Why were you drinking?"

Drinking? Then it all came back to me.

"Jungkook" I said "Chailee"

I quickly shot out of bed, but my mother stopped me.

"But mom I-'

"I don't want to hear it. You're grounded and I'm taking this" she said and took my phone

"I need that" I said pleading for her to give it back

"Oh no, you don't" she said "You weren't supposed to have in the first place and you're not going anywhere today, not even school"


"Anywhere" I could tell her words were final and I didn't bother to argue with her.

She left and I sat on the bed frustrated and mad at myself. I remember what I said to Chailee last night. I confessed that I said those things to Chailee because I wanted Jungkook for myself. Yes, I am selfish. The whole school will be talking about this for a while.

What am I supposed to do now? How am I going to explain myself to them? Will they still talk to me? Who kissed me last night?

All these questions are unanswered, but I am going to figure them out today.

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