Chapter 12

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(Contain some sort of sexual content(?)...well not really but just a little)

"That was a long walk" I said opening the front door with Kara on my back and Jungkook and his brother following behind.

"Yeah" he said chuckling "You also had a long day too"


"You got yourself in so much trouble back there" he said and started laughing "Now you have to clean the entire school on Saturday and pay for the broken equipment"

"Shut up" I said rolling my eyes "It was a mistake"

"Anyways, let's get started on that stupid math project" he said getting out his books

Ms. Lee gave us a project to tell the class why math is important and how it can help in our daily lives. This has got to be the most irrelevant project human can think of.

"I don't find math relevant, so how in the world are we going to figure this thing out?" I said pacing around the room

"I'm good at math" jungkook said surprising me "You may not find it relevant, but it's helpul here and there"

"Helpful my ass! How is it gonna help me? I'm going to go up to a random person and ask 'what's the circumference of that starbuck your holding?' " I said and he laughed

"It's not funny" I said still pacing around the room

I am not gonna do this project.

"I have an idea" he beamed "let's go to your room first"

I let him pull me up to my room and he locked the door behind. Next thing I know, he's unzipping my school trousers

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Calm down. I'm just gonna show you something" he said and I obeyed

He pulled my trousers and underwear off exposing my length.

"Now" he said holding my penis as I try to fight back a moan "How do you know how long this is?"

I was a bit stunned by his question but I answered anyway

" measure it..with a ruler" I said and he smirked

"Can you measure it now?" he asked

"Ahh sure., just let me find it first" I said looking for the ruler

"Found it!" i said waving it

"Now measure how long it is" he said and I did

"How long?" he asked

"Mmmm.. 7.8" I said proud of my length

"Wrong!" he said and took the ruler from me

"What?" I questioned "I'm sure I measured it correctly"

He laughed and measured it

"8" he said

I laughed "Where did the point 2 come from?"

"You placed the ruler at the wrong place" he said

" what does that have to do with math?" I asked confused

"How many centimeters is that?" he suddenly asked

"How should I know?" I said shrugging my shoulders

"See. What if a girl cam up to you and asked how many centimeters is your dick, what would you say?" he said

"70cm?" I said unsure

He laughed "Woah! You must have a giant in your pants!"

"Oh" I said chuckling "It's doesn't matter"

"Doesn't it?" he asked taking my length in his hand "What if I covered here" he said and gripped about half of my dick "how much inches is left?"

I bit my lips to prevent the moans from escaping "I-I don't...know"

He let go of it and went on all fours.

"How about here? How many inches did I just cover?" he asked placing his mouth over it "or here?"

Instinctively, I gripped his hair "How bout taking all 8 of it in your mouth?" I said forcing his mouth over all of it.

He slowly started to move back and forth and I gripped his hair tighter.

"Faster" I demanded

He did what I said and started moving faster. When I told him I was close, he stopped.

"Why did you stop?" I whined

"Because we need to work on this" he said and started scribbling stuff

"Ok Whatever! Let's get this done" I said and fixed my clothes

"TAKE THAT YOU PRICK!" I heard Kara yelled from downstairs.

I quickly shot down the stairs and saw Kara spraying garlic water all over Jungkook's brother. 

"Kara, stop doing that!" I yelled and she stopped

She pointed the water gun to me and threatened to spray it.

"Kara, don't" I warned

"Too late!" she said and started spraying it on me.

Majority of it was sprayed in my face, specifically my eyes.

I managed to grab it from her hands and she started running.

"Your little sister is the devil" Jungkook said heading into the kitchen to get a paper towel

"Thanks" I said as I took the paper towel from him "And yes, she is the devil in its truest form"

He and his brother laughed.

"Hey, what's his name?" I asked pointing to his brother

"Kyungmin...Jeon Kyungmin" he said

"Sorry about that Kyungmin" I said ruffling his hair "Is she like that at school too?"

"Yes" he said. He sounded just like Jungkook. It's freakishly weird. 

"She's called Karma at school" he continued 

"I need to tell mom to carry her to the church when she gets home" I said shaking my head. Then it hit me. My mom and Kara are the exact same.

"Wait! I have to take Kara and my mom to the church tied up in chains" I said

"Why?" Jungkook asked nervously

"Because they're the exact same and their demons might take over once they see the church" I explained

"Uhh..yeah. I have to go now. Kyungmin let's go" Jungkook said pulling Kyungmin outside

"Well bye!" I shouted after him

He waved and smiled at me and my heart melted.

"Is he Jungkook?" Kara asked coming into the living room

"Yeah" I said and sh smirked

"So he's the one you want to fu-"

I ran over to her and covered her mouth. Where does she learn these languages?

"Kara, I'm coming to put you in the garage and leave overnight food for you, okay?" I said and she just looked at me

"Stop doing that!" I said avoiding eye contact with her "It's creepy!"

"You're gay?" she asked

My eyes popped out of its socket "What?"

"Gay, you know as in you like another person the same gender as you?" she said raising her eyebrows

"Shut up!" I said running up the stairs 

"Wait, no!" she yelled but I slammed the door shut!

Who is this girl?

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