Chapter 7

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"Hi" he said coming further into my room.

"Uhh..hi!" I said a little nervous "what are you doing here?"

"I just stop by to uhh..check on you" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

A smile formed on my lips as my cheeks flushed pink.

"Well I'm okay besides from the fact that I can't do anything really" I said chuckling "Did you see Chailee on your way out?"

"Yeah, since you're okay, I'll get going" he said and headed out

As soon as he closed the door, I touched my heart. It's beating super fast.

I no longer felt sleepy, so I took out my phone and doing nothing in particular with it.

"Jimin" my mom called and I quickly hid the phone

"Yeah" I answered

"I'm off to work now, but I'm not too sure how you are going to shower if you can't walk. Maybe I should call the nurse over and let her do it" she said

"Are you crazy? I don't want anyone seeing my...yeah! And where is dad, can't he help me?"

"He's already gone to work and I need to get to mine and drop Kara to school. I'm calling the nurse" she said and walked out

"Eomma no!!" I cried dramatically as I tried to get up

I stood up and tried walking to the door. Bad idea! Before I knew it, I was on the floor crying in pain.

"Eomma, help!" I shouted so she could hear

She rushed into the room and picked me and placed me back on the bed.

"The nurse should be here in a few minutes. I'll leave the door open so she can come in. Don't be rude to her" she said

I gripped her arm before she could leave.

"Is the nurse a male or female?" I asked

"Does it matter?" she asked rolling her eyes

"Just tell me" I begged

"Fine. It's a female, now goodbye!" she said and went out of the room. I heard the car starting, so I guess she's really leaving.


"Hello" a girl voice called from downstairs

"Who is it?" I shouted back

"Is that Jimin speaking? Your mom said I should get you cleaned up" she yelled so I could hear.

"Yeah, it's Jimin and I'm can come in," I said and I heard her walking up the stairs.

"Oh hi," she said and smiled warmly at me

She was tall and had black long hair She looked not much older than I am.

"Hey," I said shyly "You can start now"

She chuckled and came over to me and removed the blankets.

"Do you need help taking your clothes off or do you want to do it by yourself?" she asked innocently

"It's ok.I got it" I said avoiding eye contact.

I pulled my shirt over my head and I saw here staring at my bare chest. I cleared my throat and she looked up with pink cheeks.

"Can you help me into the bathroom?" I asked

She nodded and carried me into the bathroom. She placed me on the closed toilet seat and I hesitantly took off my shorts. I was now left in my boxers and I was too shy to take them off.

"Do you mind turning around?" I asked super embarrassed

"Ok," she said and turned around.

I quickly took them off and covered my area as I told her to turn back around. Her cheeks were now red and mine not too far from hers.

"Umm..the bath is uhh...shit was I going to say?" she said in a low tone

"You need to fill the bath," I said still covering my area

She did as I said and when it was full, she looked at me.

"Can you manage to get in there by yourself?" she asked

"Can you pass me that towel?" I asked pointing to it

Shit! I exposed my area.

She quickly got the towel, threw it at me and ran out.

I got in the bath myself, though painful and washed my body.

I was now done and I felt clean, so I got out and wrapped myself in the towel.

"Ahh..nurse..can you assist me with getting back into my room?" I said hoping she heard me

She came in there avoiding eye contact and helped me back into my room. Once I was done changing, I called her back into the room.

"Thank you," I said awkwardly

"No, no, no. No need to thank me. You did most of the work by yourself" she said "All I did was help you to move"

"But still...thank you," I said and looked at her

"Do you need anything?" she asked

"I don't want to be a burden to you" I said and I saw her smile

"It's my job. It's not a burden at all" she said

"Ok...I'm kind of hungry"

"I'll make you something delicious," she said clapping her hands "stay here. Oh wait, you can't move" she said making her way downstairs and talking to herself. She is one weird nurse.

The day went by quickly and it was now time for her to leave since school should be over and Chailee will be coming over.

"It was nice being with you today," she said smiling

"Thanks for today," I said

"I'll be going now. Take care" she said waving at me

After she left, the place became gloomy. It was nice having her around, even if she's a little annoying.

I heard a knock on the door and I lifted my head from the couch.

"Who is it?" I asked


"Oh, come in," I said "the door's opened"

She came in smiling at me and sitting beside me.

"I got your homework," she said taking out a huge textbook.

I sighed "Can we do that later? I need to tell you something"


"WHAT?" Chailee shouted angrily "I'm sorry, but I have to go"

She opened the door and was surprised when she saw the guy we just talked about.

I was surprised when I heard a loud sound . She slapped him.

"I hate you" she yelled at him and ran away

" Chailee! I need to talk to you" he said and ran after her

Somewhere deep inside, I felt bad, but can you blame me? I really like this guy and I won't let anyone ruin it or get in the way.

Unrequited Love : Jikook | ✔Where stories live. Discover now