Chapter 13

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"Jimin!" I heard my mom shout angrily at me "What is this?"

I scrunched my eyes and looked at the phone she was shoving in my face.

Hello Mrs. Park! Your son, Jimin, has done some minor destruction to our school and as such, he is to report to our school grounds tomorrow to clean up and he owes us money. That will be all, have a good day! ~Principal Choi

I gasped in shocked and she hit my head.

"What did you do?" she asked folding her arms

"You see...the thing is Kara w-"

"Don't blame your sister!" She yelled "It's all your fault"

"Did you...steal money from the school?" she asked raising her eyebrows

"What? No! I'm not a thief!" I said shaking my head wildly

"Then how comes you owe them money?"

"The destruction may be more than just minor" I said nervously


"What happened?" I asked rubbing my head

I looked around and saw my mom staring at me. I moved back in shock.

"Awake from dreamland?" she asked with an evil smirk stitched on her face.

"I don't think I was dreaming" I said touching my head "I saw a crazy woman running after me with a knife and she happened to look like.." I stopped my sentence because the woman in my 'dream' was actually my mom.

"What?" she asked

"Y-you! You're the person who was running me down" I said and she let out an evil laugh.

"Anyways, you have to get to school. I'm going to work"

"Wait, aren't you carrying me?" I asked

"Nope" she said popping the 'p' "As a part of your punishment, you're taking the bus. Enjoy your ride"

I grabbed my hair in annoyance. Why is she so mean to me?

I slowly got up from the bed and went inside the bathroom. Lazily scrubbing my body, I heard someone at the door.

"H-hello?" I called nervously

The person didn't answer. I heard the door creaking as it opened and I peeped my head out through the curtain.

"BOO!" a girl yelled causing me to almost fall.

"Chailee, you shit of a person" I yelled

"Yah! That's mean" she said pointing her finger at me

"Well it's your fault for scaring the living fiber out of me" I said clutching my heart that was still wildly beating.

"I'm sorry" she said "I can't promise you that it won't happen again though"

"Yah! Anyways, get out! I'm taking a shower" I said motioning for her to leave

"Ok, I'll be in your room" she said and exited


"Your father is so nice" I said to Chailee as we exited her father's car

"I know huh" she said chirpily

"I wish my dad was like that" I said sadly

"Aww cheer up" she told me "I'm here"

I laughed and we continued to walk into the school. As we approached the class door, Jin stopped us.

"What do you want?" Chailee asked

"Shut it, princess!" he said "I'm not here for you. I wanted to see my friend"

"Your friend isn't here" I said and tried to move him out of the way.


"Jin, move!" Jungkook said approaching us

"But I'm not done" he said

"I said, move!" Jungkook said gritting his teeth.

Even though he wasn't talking to me, I gulped. He looked scary.

"Fine" Jin said and gave up

"Thanks"I muttered to Jungkook ,who just nodded.

"Ok class" Ms. Lee said "How's the assignment going?"

The class started muttering and she held her hands up, signalling for us to be quiet.

"Jimin!" she called and I jumped in schocked


"How's the assignment going? Is Jungkook cooperating? I know he's one of my best students, but he doesn't work well with others." She said and I let out a small smile

"He's doing good" I explained "great actually. I don't have a clue about math and he's teaching me along the way, so I'm really thankful"

I heard some gasps as I finished talking. They must be really surprised he's working with someone.

"Oh really" Ms. Lee exclaimed "This is exciting"

I chuckled "Yeah" and everyone turned their attention to Jungkook.

"Is it...true?" she asked and he looked up from his desk

"Hmm? Oh right, yeah! We're doing just fine" he said with no emotion and went back to stare at his desk

"You are really something" Ms. Lee said smiling at me

I smiled back and turned to look at Chailee.

"Are you okay?" I asked noticing the sadness on her face.

"I'm fine" she said and focused her attention on Ms. Lee

I shrugged it off and tried to ignore the glares and whispers from the other students.


The bell rang, signalling the end of the period, and I grabbed my stuff and headed to the door. Just as I was about to leave, someone gripped my shoulder.

"We need to talk"

Unrequited Love : Jikook | ✔Where stories live. Discover now