Chapter 21

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- 2 years later -

"Today's your birthday" I said kneeling at my sister's grave "You would have been 8 today and we would celebrate with you insulting me and just being the annoying you.." I chuckled at the fun memories we had and continued "I miss you..I miss *sniffs* chasing you around like an idiot, I miss yelling at you, heck, I even miss you getting me in trouble"

By this time, I started crying. We moved back to Busan two days after the incident and my sister was buried here and my father died, because the knife my mother used had puncture some of his organs. My mom tried to be happy all the time, but I know deep down she's sad. We've gotten closer and I'm glad. We do almost everything together and we look out for each other. She's the only family I have left. Everything else that I once loved, is gone and I can't do anything about it. I'm now 18 years old and I've gotten mature and responsible.

I ran my hand over Kara's grave and placed a picture of us on the grave. It was a picture of me when I first held her in my hands. I was 10 at the time and didn't know how to hold a baby. I smiled as I got up from the grave and headed home.

On my way home, a little girl was crying in front of an ice-cream place. I went over to her and stooped to her level.

"What's wrong?" I asked "Where are your parents?"

"I don't know" and she started crying louder.

"Shh" I said and hugged her "I'll find them for you"

I held on to her hand and walked around the area, hoping to find her parents. We walked for several minutes, but I was determined to find them.

Luck was on our side, because just as we turned the corner, she recognized them.

"Eomma" she cried and ran to her mom.

I smiled at the scene and was about to walk away, but the girl stopped me.

"What is it?" I asked nicely

"Thank you for helping me" and she giggled and pointed behind me

"What are you looking at?"

She giggled again and I thought she was going crazy.

"There's a girl behind you making funny faces, she kind of looks like you." she said and waved at what I assumed somebody, but I saw nothing.

"Keira, let's go" her mom called and she waved at me and the 'person' behind me.

I ran my fingers through my hair and started to walk home.


"Mom" I called, hoping she was home "Mommy"

She didn't answer. I guess she's working. I went upstairs and took a nice warm bath. I put on my comfy clothes and went into the living room.

I wanted to watch cartoon, so I watched sponge bob. That yellow annoying thing. Then suddenly, I'm reminded of Kara. On second thought, I'll watch something else. 'Finding Nemo'...this doesn't seem too bad. I put it in the DVD player and began to watch it.

Half way through the movie, I heard someone whisper 'oppa'.

I gulped and pretended not to hear.

"Oppa" it said again

I was scared and so I huddled in the couch and focused on the Tv.

A figure came in front of it and my heart was at my throat. I..I thought she was dead. Bust she was, I saw for myself. Is this her ghost?

"K-K-kara?" I asked nervously

She smiled and started jumping up and down.

"Miss me?" she asked

I was speechless, is she really talking to me right now? I went over to her and tried to touch her, but my hands just slipped through. I gulped loudly and she laughed.

"Don't tell me you're scared?"

I nodded and she came closer.

"H-how?" I found the courage and spoke

"I'm a ghost now silly" she said and stuck her tongue out at me

"Were you the one the little girl was talking about?"

She nodded meaning yes and spoke "I'm 8 today, I'm all grown up. You should see the food here, it's so good"


"Heaven, idiot. I'm in Heaven" she said and rolled her eyes

"But..devils don't go to heaven" I joked and she came closer to me, with an angry expression on her face.

"Kara, stay back" I said and moved out of the couch.

She came closer and started running me down. I went in the bathroom and locked the door, but she easily passed through and chased me outside. I went in the kitchen and she started walking. I slowly backed up, but I had no where else to run. This is it, I'm going to die. She came closer and I closed my eyes. I felt her arms around me and started squeezing. It felt rather comforting. I opened my eyes and saw she was hugging me. I couldn't touch her, because my hand slipped through.

"Kara..what are you-"

"I wish I could've been here, even though Heaven is a lot better, but I miss you so much" she said and she started sobbing "I know I haven't truly told you this, but I love you"

Tears welled up in my eyes and at this moment, I wish I could turn back time. I wish we would've stayed in Busan, I wish I would've spent more time with my family and love them the way I should, but things don't work that way and I all I could do was regret.

"I love you too" I said and she let go of me.

"I have to go..Big G is calling me"

" soon" I said sadly

She smiled "Don't worry, I'll visit you sometimes, but not all the time and about that Jungkook guy, I know you really love him and I'm sorry he doesn't love you back. He's moved on with Chailee and your friend Taehyung, he's been sad ever since you left-"

"Kara" a small figure appeared next to her "We have to go now"

She gave me a small smile and waved goodbye "Before I go, this is my boyfriend. Isn't he cute?" and she disappeared just like that.

I went back to the living room and thought about what she said, 'Taehyung has been sad ever since you left'. I was probably his only friend and I left him, but he'll be okay. I'm sure he'll find someone who loves him.

My mom came home and plopped herself in the chair.

"Tough day huh?" I asked and went beside her

She smiled and ruffled my hair "yeah, but enough of me, how about you?"

"I'm okay, better actually" I said. I didn't want to tell her about Kara, because she would start crying and do crazy things.

She was about to leave, but then she said "Oh, your friend from Seoul was asking for you"

"Who?" I asked

"You know, the weird guy who pokes people's forehead"



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