Chapter 20

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After my mom drove madly to pick up Kara and headed home, she went in the kitchen and started taking out knives.

"Mom" I said nervously "What are you doing?"

She looked at me evilly and I could've sworn I saw two sharp fangs extended out of her mouth. I gulped and slowly made my way out of the kitchen. She waited for hours for my dad to come home and when he did, things got ugly.

She charged at him with the knife she was holding and almost stabbed him right in the heart, but she held back.

She was shaking and my father stood there wide eye at her.

"What the fuck is this?" he asked "I come home to my beautiful house and this is how I'm treated?"

The knife slowly fell from my mom's hand and she just stared at him.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you going to move?" he asked my mother, who was clenching her fists.

She moved out of the way and he rolled his eyes at her. I rushed over to him and punched him in his stupid face. I am angry at him for doing this to my mom, to us.

"Son" he began "If I were you, I'd be making my way upstairs now"

"No" I bravely said. I wasn't scared of him now and even if I'm bruised, I'll still fight him.

"What?" he said angrily at me. He raised his hands ready to hit me, but my mom stepped in the way and gripped his hand.

"Don't fucking touch MY son" she said through gritted teeth and he laughed.

"Your son?"

"Look" my mom said, her voice higher "I'm kindly going to ask you to get the fuck away from us and don't hurt my children. If you lay one finger on them, hell if you even look at them, you're dead. Do you even love me?"

My father put down his briefcase and went in her face "No"

My heart broke into tiny pieces. It hurt more than when Jungkook said he didn't love me, imagine how my mom felt.

She let out a laugh. It wasn't normal, it was more like 'i'm going to kill you' laugh.

"Jimin" she said, but her focus was on my father "bring Kara upstairs and shut the door. Turn the music up as loud as you can and in exactly ten minutes, I want you to call the cops"

"The cops?" I asked, widening my eyes.

"They're going to need professionals to take his body away right?" she said as if it was the most normal thing in the world "I don't want to get my hands dirty...too dirty, I just got my nails done"

I quickly drag a crying Kara upstairs and shut the door tightly. I blasted the music of a boy group and tried to distract myself from what was going on downstairs. I looked at the time 9:10. I should call the cops about 9:20 then. Even through the loud music, I could hear glass breaking, yelling and stomping of feet. What is going on down there? I was curious, but I know better than to enter a war zone.

I looked at the time, 9:20. It's time.


I looked outside my window and saw three cop cars driving into our driveway. A man with a bulletproof vest came out with his gun in his left hand. I gulped and turned the music off.

"Stay here" I told Kara and shut the door behind me.

I quietly made my way downstairs and saw my father lying helplessly on the ground covered in blood. My mom was talking to the police standing directly behind my father.

"He hit me first" my mom said and folded her arms "If you're going to lock me up, then do it now. I don't give a fuck"

"Watch your language" the officer said and my mom rolled her eyes

"Fuck fuck fuck. What are you going to do? Throw me in a cell with 'dangerous' criminals and let them assault me? Go ahead, I haven't been touched in years"

My eyes widened and I can't help but think 'how long has this been going on?' My father must be really good at hiding.

"Calm down ma'am" the officer said and surprisingly, my mother calmed down.

"I'm just going to ask you a few questions before we can take the body out...of the house I mean" he said and I rolled my eyes 'what else could he be talking about?'

he was interrogating my mother for a while and I leaned my head against the wall. Kara came flying down the stairs and she went over to mom. The officer moved out the way and was about to put his gun back into his pocket, when


A gun shot was heard. I looked over to where the shot was fired and saw Kara lying on the floor. I quickly went over there, while the cops took my father out of the house and handcuffed him.

I went over to Kara and my breath hitched. Her forehead was bleeding and she wasn't breathing. No! She can't die. My mother was crying loudly and I stood there not moving or blinking.


"I'm sorry" the doctor said coming out of the room that Kara was in "But.."

I knew what he was going to say and my head started throbbing wildly. I'm going to kill my father for sure. My mom held onto me while she cried loudly and everyone was looking at us sympathetically.

"That was my only girl child" she cried "my baby is gone"

The tears started rapidly falling out of my eyes and my heart hurt. I lost my sister. My only sister. My annoying little brat of a sister who I loved so much. She's gone....gone.


This is a little sad, sorry :(

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