Chapter 4

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My mom and Kara came home earlier than my dad, as he's always busy.

"Kara, go upstairs. I'll be up in a minute" she said to Kara, who ran upstairs and almost fell.

"Now you," she said pointing at me

I gulped as I saw her eyes become dark. She's scary at times like this.

"M-m-me?" I stuttered

She smirked "Yes, you! So guess who's not seeing tv, laptop, gaming devices, iPad, mp3 player and phone?"

My eyes widened "Phone? What? You can't take away my phone" I said surprised by her words

She rested her hand on my shoulder "Son, if I were you, I'd pass me that phone...Now!"

I flinched at her words and unwillingly took it out.

She grabbed it before I could say goodbye. Ughh, my life sucks!

"Wait!" I said to her before she turned around to leave

"Yes?" she answered with a smirk plastered on her face

"You're taking away music away from me too?"

"Yes" she simply said and walked upstairs

"Wait, no, MOM!" I yelled but she ignored "Mommy please"

"Whatever!" she said and went to Kara's room.

She's so unfair! I went to my room, folded my arms and pouted. My mom is more like a taunting big sister than an actual mother. Ughhhhh!!

I got up and stomped around the room thinking of what to do to entertain myself. She didn't take away my other devices yet, so I decided to use them while they last.

I was about to play some music, but my door flew open and at the speed of light,the mp3 player was gone from my hands.

"Mom!" I said frustrated and annoyed "eommaaaaa"

She ignored me and took every electronic device from my room. I threw myself on the bed and wiggled all over until


My sister and mother came inside the room laughing at me while I tried to hide my embarrassment.

"Oppa is so funny," Kara said laughing harder

"Let's go tell your friends about this," my mom said.

Oh God, she's such a kid!


The next day, I got up late and my mom scolded me. I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking of Jungkook.

"Aish, we're going to be late," my mom said as we got in the car

"Why is your face so big?" Kara asked

I ignored her and rolled my eyes.

"Your nose looks weird," she said again

"Kara, shut up" I yelled at her

"Jimin, stop shouting at your sister," my mother said

I rolled my eyes and stared out the window

"Oh great!" my mom said annoyed "Now we're stuck in traffic!"

I chuckled and received a glare from her and quickly stopped chuckling.

"Would you people hurry the f-"

"Mom!" I shouted cutting her off

"Sorry," she said chuckling "Anyways, can you people drive any faster, I need to get my kids to school"

She blew her horn so loudly that the others actually made way for her to drive. She's crazy!

We arrived at school and I hurriedly got out of the car.

"Bye mother and annoying little sister," I said waving at them

They didn't answer and I chuckled to myself. I was about to enter the door, but I froze when I saw him. He came beside me and ignored my presence.

He held his head down as he opened the door and I realized he was bruised just below his neck. I was reaching out to touch it, but he pushed my hands away. I realized another bruise on his hand, though he tried to cover it. What happened between he and his mom?

"Stay away from me," he said and walked away

That hurt me so much more than it should. Why am I falling for him? I ignored my feelings and wondered all the possible things he and his mom went through last night. I was quickly taken out of my trance as I heard the bell. I'm late for class, again.

"Mr. Park, you're late," Ms. Lee said and I apologized

"Did you get in trouble?" Kara asked

"Sort of" I said "Did he get in trouble?" I said looking at Jungkook

"I guess so?" she said unsure "his mother is insane. Sometimes I feel bad for him"

My heart was hurting me. I couldn't focus in class so I put my head on the desk.

"Jimin!" Chailee said shaking me "Are you okay?"

I nodded "Yeah, just a headache"

"Here," she said handing me some pain killers

"Thanks!" I said and asked to be excused so I could take them

I went to get some water to swallow the pills with. As I was about to put them in my mouth, someone snatched them

"Yah!" I said irritated

"Be quiet!" one of the boys said covering my mouth

The one that had the pills was tall and had broad shoulders. The other who covered my mouth was shorter than him, but taller than me, with blonde hair.

"Give it back," I said reaching for the pills

"Someone's a bit short," the taller one said mocking me

I got annoyed by him and kicked his leg.

His face turned into a serious expression. He dropped the pills and cracked his neck.

"Wrong mistake!"


"Ugh...what happened?" I said rubbing my head

I looked around the unfamiliar place and confusion was evident on my face.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw someone who I should stay away from.

"W-what are y-you doing here?" I asked stuttering

He didn't answer. He got up and went outside of the room. What the hell?

I tried to get up but immediately sat back down because of a headache and bruised legs.

"My legs!" I said in tears "they're ruined"

The door opened and a woman probably in her 20s smiled at me.

"Oh, you're up!" she said, "How are you feeling?"

"Who did this to me?" I asked avoiding her question

"Some guys," she said "they are in the principal's office, with your mother"

Oh no, not again!

"I can't walk," I said and she came over to me

She examined my legs and tilted her head as if she was thinking.

"Mmm.." she started "I'm no professional, but I think your legs are sprained"

"Huh?" I asked

"Yes, those guys kept stepping and kicking you on your legs. Luckily, that guy decided to save you" she said and I gasped

"Was he in here when you woke up?" she asked and I nodded

Why would he save me?

Unrequited Love : Jikook | ✔Where stories live. Discover now