Chapter 11

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"Ok, it's all settled" My father said "Who would've known that the end of a drama can make a woman this crazy?"

"I'm sorry, I just overreacted" my mom said

"Seriously!" I said sighing

My mom went crazy just because her favorite drama ended. I knew she was crazy, but not this crazy! She destroyed the entire living room and even cut herself because of that. She needs help.

"Mom, I'm sorry I have to be the one to say this but, you need to be in a mental asylum. You even made Kara scared to death. It's a good thing dad came home early today or else Kara would've died. Who throws a chair at her own 6 year old daughter?" I said shaking my head

"It's just...I..Just be quiet okay! I don't know what came over me" she said in defeat

My dad sighed "Why did I marry this crazy woman!"

"Because this crazy woman was enough for you 5 years ago, this crazy woman birthed 3 of your kids and thanks to a crazy doctor, one died. This crazy woman stayed by your side when you had nothing left to even provide for yourself, this crazy woman loves you to death but apparently this man who she claims as her husband doesn't love her back" she said crying

I rushed over to her and hugged her tightly. I really didn't know she felt like that.

"'s gonna be okay" I said patting her head "everything will be okay"

She hugged me back and cried into my arms while my father just stood there. It irks me that he doesn't even try to comfort her.

"Appa, why did you make eomma cry?" Kara said on the verge of tears

He said nothing and went upstairs, not saying anything to either of us.

"Do you want to sleep in my room?" I asked hoping she would agree

"No..I'll just crash in Kara's room, but thanks though" she said and kissed my forehead "besides, I don't want to be covered in dried semen"

She let out a small laugh, while I chuckled.

"Eomma, what's semen?" Kara asked

"Something that your dad can't produce anymore" My mom said and went upstairs.

My eyes widened when she said that, but laughed afterwards. I ran my fingers through my hair and went up to my room. I plopped myseLf on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"My life is so weird" I said chuckling to myself

I felt my eyes getting droopy and decided to sleep, it's been a really long day.


"Jimin, let's go" my mom shouted at me

"I'm coming, I'm coming" I said walking lazily to the car

"I won't be back home early today, so I need you to pick up Kara" she said and I rolled my eyes

"Whatever" I said and sat in the car

"Eomma, you sleep so weird" Kara said rubbing her eyes "You poked my eyes alot last night"

"I'm so sorry, I'll buy you a teddy bear" she said and we headed to school

"Bye" I said waving at them

They left while I stood there staring t the floor.


"Holy sweet jesus! Kara don't do that!" I said to Kara who was laughing like crazy

"Sorry" she said "Let's go"

Unrequited Love : Jikook | ✔Where stories live. Discover now