Chapter 5

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"M-mom," I said stuttering

"Don't mom me?" she said obviously mad

"I'm sorry," I said but she ignored me

The nurse came over to us with a wheelchair and with the help of my mother, they placed me in there. I was pushed out of the building to the car and my mom made me stand up so the wheelchair could be returned.

"That hurts" I complained as she helped me into the car.

"Ughh," she said and harshly shut the door

Silence filled the car as we drove to wherever we're going.

"Where are we going?" I asked

She ignored me and focused on the road.

"Are we going home?" I asked determined to get an answer

Still ignoring. Okay, I'll show her what annoying is.

"You know what I did last night after you took my devices away? I jumped around on the bed and cursed a few times. Yeah, that's right, I cursed. You wanna hear the curse word that I used? Fine, I'll tell you. I said f-"

"I dare you," she said glaring at me through the mirror

I gulped "I said f...fuc..fucla"

She looked at me and laughed. What the heck?

"Why are you laughing?" I asked annoyed

"You're such a coward," she said and my eyes widened

"But..but," I said searching for words

"But what?" she asked

"I ahh...never mind ok. Just drive" I said and stared out the window

She scoffed "okay"


"He seems to have sprained his legs," the doctor said. The school nurse was right.

"That's what you get," my mother said smacking my head

"You're cruel," I said and she let out an evil laugh

"Anyways" the doctor continued "he will be able to walk in a few days, but for now he should just stay home and don't move around too much"

I smirked inside my head. That means no school for a while. Yes! I win at life.

"Ohh," I said pretending to be sad "I'll miss my classes, but oh well"

"Oh no mister," my mom said "you'll be updated with school work and homework"


"Say no more," she said shutting me up

I whined, "Where is the world peace?"

The doctor laughed "You can go home now and don't move around too much"

I smiled and thanked him. That means, my mother has to do everything for me now since she's not going back to work.

"I like the smell of home," I said as my mother helped me sit down in the living room.

"Mommy," I said like a kid "Can you get me some water? The doctor said I shouldn't move around too much and you don't want your beloved son to be in pain, right?"

She rolled her eyes and did as I said.

"Thank you, best mommy in the world," I said and she smacked my head. She has got to stop doing that.

"Mom...pass me the remote please," I said

She took it up and threw it at me, hitting me in the head.

"Oww!" I said in pain

She smirked at me and folded her arms.

"Mom c-"

"No!" she said and took her bag up

"Wh-where are you going?" I asked

"I'm going back to work. I'll be back" she said and opened the door

"EOMMA NOOOOO!!!" I yelled but she went out and closed the door behind her

I sighed. She is so evil!


"What's wrong with your legs?" my dad asked

"Uhh..some kids beat...beat me up," I said with my head down

"You stand there and let some kids beat you? Is this the type of son I raised?"

You raised? I said in my head. My father is hardly ever home and comes home late. Surprisingly, he's home early today.

"No sir," I said and he walked away

"Oppa!" Kara called "Who is Jungkook?"

My eyes widened when she said his name. how does she know Jungkook?

"How do you know him?" I asked

"I don't," she said "Some girl named Chailee mentioned him"

What? She knows Chailee?

"You know Chailee?" I asked with confusion evident in my tone

"No" she simply said

"Then how do you know their names?" I asked

She showed me my phone and I quickly snatched it from her hand.

It was a text from an unknown number. It said:

Hey, it's me Chailee. I just wanted to know if you're okay. You were unconscious when I last saw you. It was a good thing that Jungkook came in and save you. Anyways, take care! :)

I smiled at the text and sent her a message:

Hey! I'm fine, thanks for caring. And I wanted to thank Jungook, do you have his number? did you get my number?

She replied in seconds

Haha, I took your phone out of your pocket in English class and stole your number, sorry! and yes I have his number. it's 70*********

I replied

Thank you. I have to go now, goodnight!

she replied

goodnight, sleep well! :)

I smiled at her text and started to text Jungkook. Since I was still in the living room, I had to hide my phone from my mother. I saw her coming and quickly threw the phone in my shorts.

"You're not going to rest?" she asked

I was about to answer but my phone vibrated causing me to shriek and moan.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" she asked

"Uhh...something bit me," I said nervously

She looked at me weirdly and said "You need to see a psychiatrist"

As soon as she disappeared out of view, I took out the phone and looked at the message.

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