Chapter 9

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I pulled up my pants and awkwardly stared at him.

"You can't let anyone know about this" he said lowly

"Huh?" I said

"Nobody should know about us...or you're dead" he said getting up from the bed.

I gulped " you like me back?"

"No" he said and walked out

That was like a bullet to my chest. I quickly went out of the cabin and run past him. He didn't even try to stop me and I felt more heartbroken.

I got out of the bushes and reached mainland, breathing hard. I wiped the tears that were on my cheeks and ran straight home, not stopping to catch my breath. I ran up to my room and locked myself in it. I hate my life.

"Fuck you Jungkook" I said kicking my shoes off "I hate you so fucking much"

I rolled myself onto the bed only to fall right off it.

"Curse you" I said to the bed and kicked it. Bad idea.

I winced as I felt the pain strike up to my stomach. This is so frustrating. I walked out of the room and stumbled down the stairs. Gosh, could this day get any worse? I sighed getting up and rubbed my head. I went into the kitchen and opened the cupboard.


The cupboard collided with my head. I cursed at it and flung it shut, but I shut it too hard and it bounced back and hit me again.

"Fuck!" I cursed rubbing my now swollen face. "Seriously, what the hell is happening?"

"You're just mad at everything"

"HOLYyy Christ the savior. Whatthefuckiswrongwithyouialmosthadaheartattckihateyou" I said at the speed of lightning.

"Calm down" Chailee said

"What are you doing here? How did you get in here? Where did you come from?" I asked confused

"I came here after I showed you to Jungkook. I'm here because I want to be here and I got in here because your door was opened" She said folding her arms.

"Anyways, what can I help you with?" I asked taking out a glass cup.


The stupid thing fell on the floor. I grabbed my hair in frustration and turned away to walk away, but I stepped on a piece of glass.

"What in the world is this?" I said angrily

Chailee rushed over to me and swept away the glasses. She got the water for me and dressed my cut.

"Thanks" I said and smiled thankfully at her

"No problem" she said punching my arm lightly.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, until she spoke.

"How did it go?" she asked

"It was fine" I told her

"Did he say anything about me?" she asked again

"I'm sorry Chailee, but it seems as if he has forgotten you and moved on. You should do the same" I said calmly, although guilt was seeping through me.

She sighed "I know, that's how he is. I was going to give him a chance but you know what?" She asked me


"I'll just erase him from memory, throw away anything that reminds me of him and pretend he doesn't exist" She said coldly

"You ca-"

"Don't try to stop me Jimin" she said holding her hands up

I wasn't going to stop her. I was about to say 'you can do that', but okay. I felt a smirk creep on my face. I try to hide it by coughing a little.

"I'm so sorry" I lied. I'm actually quite happy.

"I'll get going now" she said sadly "see you at school tomorrow"

I got up and watched her as she went further away from my house. I screamed for joy and hopped around the sofa. This could actually be my chance. Nobody is going to get in my way, nobody!


"Jimin" my mother called "Dinner time"

I rushed downstairs and almost bumped into her.

"Sorry" I chuckled

She rolled her eyes "Just sit down"

"Eomma, where's appa?" Kara asked "I miss him"

"Appa's at work sweetie" she said "I know, I miss him too"

"He doesn't misses us tho" I said scoffing

"That's not true" Kara said "Eomma, tell Oppa that Appa misses us too"

"That's right Kara, I'm sure he does misses us. Jimin, be quiet" she scolded me

I rolled my eyes "Whatever"

"Oh and by the way, you owe me money" she said stretching her arm in front of me

"Huh?" I asked

"Money? Remember for Kara's gifts? All 7 of them"

"7?" I questioned "Didn't I say 6?"

"Well, I kind of forgot" She said

"Well, I kind of forgot that I told you to buy them for her, so.."

"Oh no, Jimin!" She said "Either way, I control your bank account"

"No, don't do it" I cried "Please!!"

"Ok, ok" she said "I'm just kidding. Let's eat"


"Do the dishes" she said after we finished eating

"I have homework" I said "Let Kara do it"

"No way in this house" she said "Kara is too young and I'm dead tired, so you're going to do it"

She left right after she said that and I cursed under my breath.

I sighed and started doing the dishes.

"I'm so tired" I said after finishing "It feels like my arms are about to break off"

I went upstairs and threw myself on the bed. I saw my phone screen lit up , so I took it up and read the message that was on it.

"Meet me at the park @ 8"

Unrequited Love : Jikook | ✔Where stories live. Discover now