Chapter 6

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Help Me

Those words shot through me like a bullet. Why does he want my help?  I hesitated to text him back, but I did.

Me: What can I do?

Jkook: I need you to help me with something 

Me: Ok, what?

Jkook: Tell Chailee to date me 

Me: What? Are you crazy?

Jkook: it's fine, if you don't want to, but just remembered who saved you today

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

Me: Ok, but why?

Jkook: Because I said so.

Me: ok...I'll tell her to come over tomorrow at my place and we'll talk 

Jkook: thanks, bye

Me: bye, sleep well!

I waited for him to text me back, but he didn't. Oh well, at least I had some form of conversation with him. I saw my mother making her way over to me and I quickly dashed the phone in my underpants. Hopefully, it doesn't vibrate again.

"Time to get you upstairs," she said and helped me to stand

"Where's dad?" I asked, "Isn't he stronger?"

She sighed "He had some work business to take care of and hey...are you underestimating the strength of a woman?"

I chuckled "maybe"

The next thing I felt was a smack in my head. Suddenly, I'm dizzy.

"Ow!" I reacted and she laughed

"Anyways, let's get you upstairs," she said gripping my arm.

"I love you so much," I said and hugged her

"You too," she said and pulled away

"'re supposed to say 'I love you too' not 'you too'" I whined and she smacked my head again


"I love you too," she said and smiled at me


"Goodnight," My mom said and pinched my cheeks

I moved her hand away "I'm not a baby!"

"Whatever" she retorted and left the room

I sighed and took out my phone. It sure is warm down there.

"Get him with Chailee huh?" I said to myself

I won't do that. Jungkook will be mine and only mine. I'll do everything to make sure they don't get together.

I started texting Chailee and tell her to come over after school tomorrow. She also offered to bring my notes that I missed and homework. She's too nice.

I placed my phone under my pillow and drifted to sleep. It has been a long day.


"Oppa! Oppa! Oppa!" I heard a voice called as I slowly opened my eyes

I looked up and saw Kara jumping on the floor like a crazy fangirl.

"What is it, Kara?" I asked annoyed

"It's my birthday!"

Oh, crap! I totally forgot about that!

"I know that Kara" I lied

"Then why didn't you wake me up at 12 like you normally do?" she asked pouting

"I can't walk, remember?" I said trying to make up an excuse. Fortunately, it was a valid excuse.

"Ok," she said and stopped pouting "Now where's my present? I should get 6 since I'm 6 today"

"6?" I asked

She started crying "Do you really not like your own sister to give her 6 birthday presents for her birthday? I thought we were friends"

Her cries were becoming loud, so I quickly said something to soothe her.

"Shh...I'll get them for you. I'll even get an extra one if you like" I said rubbing her arm.

"Promise?" she said sobbing and held out her pinky finger for me to join with my pinky finger.

"Promise," I said and intertwined our fingers

"Good," she said and smirked "Thanks, Oppa!"

What was that? Did I just get tricked?

"Brat!" I said and got out of bed

I immediately sat back down as the pain shot through my feet up to my head. I forgot my legs were hurt.

I'll deal with her later. My mom peeked her head through the door and smirked at me.

"What?" I asked annoyed at the fact that I can't move

"You made your sister cry?" she asked still smirking

"I didn't...she's quite a good actress," I said rubbing my eyes

She fully entered the room and sat on the bed.

"So..." she began "are you going to get those presents for your sister?"

"I can't walk," I said "can you buy them for me, I'll pay you back"

"Okay," she said smirking evilly

"! Mom, do not buy anything that's too expensive" I said and she smirked more evilly if that's even possible.

"Too late," she said and rushed out of my room

Ughh! They drive me nuts! Now that I think about it, my mom and sister are so alike. It's annoying!! I laid my head back on the pillow, but I felt something tingling down there. It's itchy. I reached my hand down into my shorts to scratch it and groaned as I do so. I was scratching like crazy and I didn't realize that someone was in my room.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She shouted as her eyes popped out of their sockets

" no no. It's not what you think!" I said trying to defend myself

"It's ok Jimin," she said "you had to get rid of it before it starts torturing you"

"It's not that. I swear!" I said trying to convince her

"You don't have to hide it, It happens to my oppa all the time. I caught him doing it yesterday morning and the morning before. Really, it's okay. I know how much of a pain a morning hood can be" she said and I placed my head in my hand

"Chailee I-"

"Say no more," she said "It's useless in trying to lie to me"

Gosh, are all girls like this?

I sighed and let it slide. I won't waste my breath on something that won't convince her.

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" I asked

"I just came to see how you're doing," she said and touched my head "I should get going now, so bye"

She removed her hands and went out the room. I leaned back my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. It's already morning, but some sleep is still needed. I was about to drift off to sleep, but a familiar male voice woke me up.



Ok, so this seems more like a Jimin+mom fanfic haha anyways, I'll get into Jikook more as the chapters progress. Thanks for reading!

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