Chapter 3

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Jungkook came over to me and Chailee and pulled her away from me.

What's his problem?

"Hey, let me go!" Chailee screamed trying to free herself from his harsh grip.

I stood up and dragged her away from him.

"Stay away from her" I said coldly at Jungkook

He laughed "And who the fuck are you?"

"Mr. Jungkook!" the English teacher called "You do realize where you are, right?"

Jungkook sighed "Fine! Let's take this outside"

I gulped, trying to swallow my fear.

I went outside with him as the rest of the class trailed behind us. He led us out to the parking lot and looked at me with fierce eyes.

"Who are you?" he asked

By now, more than half of the school were surrounding us. I tried to be brave before I spoke.

"None of your business" I said and heard a couple 'oohs' from the students

He laughed "A tough one I see" he said approaching me "Let's see if you're tough enough to take this!"

The next thing I knew, I was on the ground. I felt a sting on my nose and realized it was bleeding.

"Can't fight back huh?" he asked scoffing

The anger triggered off inside me and I leaped towards him. I grabbed him by his collar and threw him on the floor. Before he could get up, I went over to him and threw punches in his chest. He grabbed my legs and I tripped causing me to be on top of him. He quickly pushed me aside and straddled me.

"You're going to pay," he said before head butting me.

I felt dizzy, but I won't let him win. I gripped his tie and wrapped it around his neck, choking him. He managed to grab mine too and we were both choking. The students around us were videoing the fight and cheering us on. I was on the verge of my last breath, but I felt two strong arms grip my shoulders, pulling me off of Jungkook.

"You two, in my office," he said as we both followed him


"Do you realize what you two have done?" Mr. Shin, our principal said

"I'm sorry," I said holding my head down

Jungkook remained silent as I tried to explain what happened.

"It's not my fault," I said trying to save myself "He punched me first"

I saw Jungkook's fist turn into a ball and he glared at me.

I have to admit, he's quite intimidating.

"I'm calling your parents," Mr. Shin said and fear seeped through me

My mom's going to kill me.

After waiting for about 30 minutes in silence, the door opened.

I saw my mom with an angry expression plastered on her face. Another person entered and I swear I stopped breathing.

"D-d-dad" I stuttered

He said nothing. Instead, he had this disappointed and angry look on his face.

A woman opened the door and I looked over at Jungkook, whose eyes are now wide.

She stride over to him and grabbed his ear. She whispered something to him and I averted my eyes. I felt like I was intruding.

"You may have a seat," Mr. Shin said to the angry parents.

When they were seated, he spoke.

"I'm guessing you're wondering why you were called here" he started "Jimin and Jungkook have gotten into a fight, even though it's obvious"

He was referring to the scratches on our face and the condition of our school uniforms.

"Why were they fighting?" My mom asked

"I'm not too sure as to why," he said "Jimin, explain why you were fighting"

I swallowed the lump in my throat "I...I don't know"

I felt a smack in my head. It was my mom. She's really angry.

"What do you mean by you don't know? You just got up and decided to throw punches at some random guy?" she said with anger evident in her tone

I held my down head. I felt so small.

"What did you do?" Jungkook's mom asked

"Nothing" he whispered and he received another ear-grabbing

"Ahh" he screamed in pain

I wanted to help him, but how can I?

"Mrs. Jeon, if you do-"

"It's Ms. Kim for you" she spat

"Ok, Ms. Kim," he said "don't hurt him too much"

"Don't tell me what to do" she snapped "I can do whatever I want to him"

She grabbed her stuff and stood up "Let's go Jungkook"

They both left the office and I couldn't help but feel bad for him. Why do I feel like this is my fault?


"The first day" my mother yelled at me in the car "the first day Jimin"

She was driving the car since my father didn't want to. I felt like that was a bad idea.

"I'm sorry," I said meaning it

"Sorry? is that all you have left in you to say?" She said swerving the car like a mad person

"Jagi, calm down," my father said trying to comfort her. He placed a light kiss on her forehead and she calmed down.

I sighed "I don't know what came over me," I said

She was saying some things to me, but I couldn't hear because I kept thinking of Jungkook. Is he ok? Is his mother going to hurt him? Will he hurt his mom? I remembered what Chailee said to me about him. He has no father and his mom is an alcoholic. Gosh, I wish I could save him.

We arrived at our house and I came out since my parents have work.

"We'll be back," my mom said, "And when we do, we're going to have a serious talk."

As much as I felt scared, I didn't care. My mind kept drifting back to Jungkook. I wish I could save him!

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