Chapter 19

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"Where am I?" I asked, looking around my surroundings

"You're at my house" a boy whom I recognized said

"Tae?" I questioned "How did I get here? When did I get here?"

"I saw you at the bus stop on the ground. You had wounds everywhere and was bleeding, I had to do something, so I carried you to my house. Luckily, my mom was at home and she helped clean your wounds." he said, smiling when he was finished

"Oh" I said "Thanks, I guess"

"How are you feeling?" a lady, I assumed was Tae's mom, said

"I'm feeling better, thanks" I said and smiled gratefully at her

"Taehyung" she said "I'm going to work now, take care of your friend and call his parents"

"I will, bye mom" he said and hugged her

He sat beside me on the couch and traced his hand over one of my wounds. I flinched when he touched it.

"Does it really hurts?" he asked

I nodded my head meaning yes and he stretched his arm over the table and took up his phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Give me your parents' number. You need to get home" he said


I wasn't suppose to be out of the house in the first place. If my mom finds out, I'm dead.

"Why not?" he asked

"I...I don't remember it" I lied, hoping he would buy it

"Okay" he said and stood up "I'll take you home then"


"You don't have to stay with me" I said to Tae, who took me home via the bus

"No, no, no, it's okay" he beckoned "I'll stay until someone gets here"

I was about to protest, but I saw that he wasn't going to leave.

"Okay" I said "Do whatever you want"

"Hello" someone called from downstairs "Jimin?"

"Can you see who that is?" I asked Tae and he gratefully went

He came back with the person who hates me, probably more than Jungkook does.

"I heard what happened" she said and sat beside me "Are you okay?"

I was confused as to why she wasn't yelling at me, even in my state.

"Chailee" I called and she looked up "Aren't you mad at me?"

She sighed "Honestly, it was really unfair for you to do and say those things. It really hurt my feelings and I'm mad, yes, but I forgive you"

"But why?"

"Because you're a good person and being friends with you taught me that. I don't want to lose you because of what happened. I still consider you my friend, Jimin."

I wanted to cry right now, because she is just so nice and caring. I was so stupid for letting my feelings get in the way.

"I'm sorry" I apologized sincerely "I was being a complete dick and I hate myself so much"

Tae was awkwardly standing there and fiddling with his fingers, but I couldn't say anything to him to make him feel less awkward.

She came over to me "Hey...stop beating up yourself. I don't hate friend"

My eyes widen "Why are you so nice? If it was me, I would probably hate you so much"

"We're two different persons, Jimin." she said "Now, how are you feeling?"

"Better, I suppose" I said and she laughed.

I started laughing and Tae cracked a smile.

"Tae" I called "this is Chailee"

"Hi" Chailee said "nice to meet you"

She held out her hand for him to shake and he placed his finger in her forehead.

I laughed and she looked at me "What is he doing?"

"That's Tae for you" I said and she giggled

Suddenly, we heard footsteps.

"Who is that?" Chailee whispered

I shrugged and the door opened.

"Oh" my mom said "I didn't know Jimin had friends over"

"Hi" Chailee said

"You look pretty" Tae said and my mom smiled

"Thanks" she said to him "At least someone appreciate my beauty"

I wasn't too sure if that was directed to me, but I shrugged it off. She noticed the wounds on my body and her eyebrows knitted.

"What is this?" she asked

"We're playing dress up" I stupidly said

Everyone turned to me and gave me a 'really?' look.

"Jimin" she said sternly "Did you leave when I specifically told you not to leave?"


"Ouch" I said rubbing my head "That hurts"

"It's supposed to hurt, why did you disobey me?"

"I needed to clear up some things okay" I said "i'm fine, these are just minor injuries. I'll be better in a few minutes"

"These aren't minor injuries" she said angrily "who did this to you?"

"I..I don't remember"

"Park Jimin," she said, her demon now taking over "Who did this to you?"

"The same guys who beat me up last time" I said and held my head down

"Where are they?" she asked

"They were at Jungkook's house, last time I saw them"

She stormed out of the room and headed downstairs. She shouted from downstairs "Where the fuck does Jungkook live?"

Chailee sighed "I think it's best if you go with her"

"Help me downstairs"


My mom got out of the car and angrily shut the door. Chailee and Tae came out after we did. My mother went up to the door and opened it without knocking.

"Where are the little bastards?" she asked, with pure venom in her tone

"You brought your mother, how nice" Jin said, my mother's aura not affecting him

"Quit the chit chat and let's fight" my mom said

"Mom" I said "You can't fight him, he'll die"

"Stay the fuck out of this" she said

Jin approached us and my mom grabbed his arm and threw him on the ground. He got up and actually threw a punch to my mother. My mother was fast and gripped his fist and twist it.

"You're just a child" she said "I could kill you right now, but I'm being nice for the meanwhile"

She twist his fist and he cried in pain.

"Why do you hate me? Is it because your husband is having an affair with my mom?"


This book is coming to an end....

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