Chapter 14

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"Huh?" I asked the stranger who was holding on to my shoulder.

"Just walk with me" he said dragging me with him outside of the school.

"Hey, where are we going?" I asked "I have a class to attend to"

He dragged me in the school's garden and made me sit on the grass. He sat there and shyly looked at me. He was wearing a huge, black, nerd glass and I have to admit, it's quite cute.

"Well" I said impatiently "are you just going to drink me into your bowl of lust?"

He cleared his throat "No..I-I wasn't thinking like that. It's just that I wanted to talk to you ever since the first day you came to this school"

"Hmm and why is that?" I asked cocking my head to the side

"You look interesting" he said fiddling with his fingers "I just thought...maybe we could be friends?"

I hesitated for a while.

"Sure" I said holding out my hand for him to shake

He swat my hand away and placed his index finger on my forehead. I looked at him weirdly.

"That's how I greet people" he said blushing

I chuckled "What's your name?"

"Me? Oh..I'm Taehyung but everyone calls me V"

"Why V?" I asked curiously

He shrugged his shoulder and I laughed.

"I think I'll call you Tae. Is that okay?" I asked

He nodded and a smiled formed on his lips. He has a pretty smile.

"You have a beautiful smile" I said and he turned his head away

I gently grabbed him by his chin to make him look at me.

"Very beautiful"

He smiled again and I poked his forehead with my finger.

"Let's head back to class. We're late"


It was now the end of the day and I let out a sigh of relief. I went to the front of the school to wait on the bus, since my mother is still punishing me. Jungkook came beside me and didn't even spare me a glance.

"Hey" I said lowly

He didn't respond. He took out his earplugs and ignored me. The bus came and he went in first. There was an empty seat beside him so I decided I was going to sit beside him.

"This seat is occupied. Try a next one" he said without looking at me

I raised my eyebrows "Okay"

I saw Tae sitting at the back alone and looking out the window, so I sat beside him.

"I didn't know you take the bus" he said to me and I laughed

"I don't, I just came because of you" I said jokingly

"Really?" he said smiling

"I'm just kidding" I said chuckling "My mom isn't picking me up today so now I have to take this stupid, cheap bus"

"I have to take this stupid, cheap bus to and from school everyday" he said sadly

"I didn't mean it like that" I said trying to explain myself "What I meant was-"

"It's fine" he said "I know that's exactly what you meant, but don't worry about it. I feel the same way do too"

The bus ride seemed really short. Tae and I talked about our lives and nonsense stories. He even fed me some of his chips. Time flew by quickly.

"Well" I began "This is my stop. I'll see you on Monday"

I waved at him, but instead he raised two of his fingers and swayed them back and forth. That kid is really weird.

I was about to enter my house, but I was stopped by a certain familiar hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused "Your house is further up...way up"

"Open the door" he said tightening his grip on my hand

"No need to be so violent" I said rolling my eyes

"Just open the damn door" he yelled

I quickly opened the door and it was immediately shut with a loud bang.

"What the he-"

"Stop fucking with me" He said sternly

I was confused on what he was talking about and he noticed that and continued.

"You think because I don't socialize, I don't have feelings?"

"I don't get it" I said trying to release myself from his grip "What are you talking about?"

"Your precious Tae" he spit "If you love him so much, why don't you just go with him and stop hurting me?"

"I didn't even do anything but make friends with that guy. What is your problem?" I yelled, anger filling me up

He scoffed "My problem? You want to know what my fucking problem is?"

He didn't give me any time to answer, he just continued talking.

"Him holding you by your arms, you holding his chin like he's the most fragile person on this goddamn Earth, him feeding you chips while you two giggle like little teenage girls and you not noticing how much it freaking bothers me" He said breathing hard when he was finished

I inwardly smiled, because he was jealous. My Jungkook is jealous.

"I'm so sorry" I said going closer to him for a hug "I was too caught up in the moment to notice that. I promise that you were always in my heart and mind the whole time. I would never leave you or hurt you"

"Promise?" he asked


"Since you're here" I began "let's go upstairs and-"

"No, you horny pervert" he said

"I wasn't talking about that" I said "I was saying, since you're here, let's go upstairs and work on the math project"

His eyes widened "Oh..I thought you...You know what forget it. Let's just work on it"

I laughed at his flustered face "You're too cute for anyone's good"

Unrequited Love : Jikook | ✔Where stories live. Discover now