Chapter 18

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Hate me all you want but this story hasnt ended yet and through the time that i have been absent somethings have changed and some things have gotten better. Read, comment, vote!  Because without you readers Id have no reason to write.


My life seem to be on auto-pilot for weeks, I felt like a human shell with no life inside. I felt as if I were an EKG machine in the hospital with a flat line playing in my head. Until finally talked to Sean again and my heart flutter like the doctor had just said clear and i was re-animated. He told me how he didnt like his new home and that it was a very difficult transition but he is trying and he is toughing it out. But what stuck with me the most was his promise to come back to visit at the end of the winter semester.

In my eager anticipation I bought a car, I knew he would be flying in and if he couldnt make it to me I would make it to him. I started living a little I think for the first time since he left I was myself again. I knew when he would be back so I got ready I had saved enough money to make sure that no matter what he wanted to do or what he wanted I'd be able to get it for him.

The day finally came for him to arrive but it turned out to be the day I was due to go to some school function and work a double shift but that wasnt going to stop me. So I went to the school event and when it was over I called work and told them that the event was going to run long and I would do my very best to get to work the moment it was over. 

So I lied tell me you never have. Once I hung up with my boss I immediately called Sean to see where he was. He told me he was with that guy from before he left but he would be close soon and he wanted to go play laser tag. So I raced to the laser tag building and awaited him showing up. After what seemed like an hour I was standing out side my car when I saw him walking towards the building.

Just before I could call his name he turned and looked at me, I lit up like a bonfire. He started running towards me and leaped into my arms. My world turned two times over and I was the happiest man on the planet. After about a good 5 minutes still embraced I didnt want to let him go but had no choice. He explained why he took so long, he had to pick up the friends of his friend so it took a bit longer to get to me.

We got our place in the last round of tag for the night and it was about a 40 minute wait so I asked if he or the people he brought that I didnt know wanted to go indoor go-karting while we waited. They then said they didnt bring enough money to go to more then just the laser tag place, wierd to me but we said that we would go and just come back before the tag game started but they wanted to tag along.

I drove my car and they piled into his friends yellow something and we headed over to the go-karting place. We got there and they told us that each race had already been sold out for the night so we figured we should just head back to the laser tag building. We sat inside waiting for our game to start and during the wait he told me a little more about his new home. But before we could really talk about things we got called for our game.

Once our game had ended the entourage that he had said that they were hungry and should stop at McDonalds on the way home. Immediately I knew that Sean's so called friend who agreed obviously didnt know him from John as Sean doesnt eat fast food. I mean he ate Chic-fil-a for me once but that was an exception. I told him that I had to get to work so I would catch up with himn the next day cause I wasnt going to let him be in the same state and not be near him that would be just stupid.

I got to work a shift and a half late but because the manager thought it was for school no one questioned it. I worked for about 3 hours and walked out of the building with about 100 bucks. I felt on top of the world, and just as that thought crossed my mind a pain shot through my chest and I knew it either meant something was wrong with me or something was going to be.

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