Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Sorry it has taken so long for an update readers I have just been on a nonstop job hunt and although I still havent got one I know that my time at home when I feel trapped is the best time to let my hands type and I have been feeling really lost lately... So Read, comment, vote! 


My time with Sean started to diminish and I had to do something special with the time I had left with him. It was getting close to my birthday but I wasnt sure if I wanted to celebrate I knew it might be the last one I get to spend with Sean but it was only my 20th and I wasnt in the best of moods. I didnt tll or hint to anyone that it was my birthday but I knew that I have never worked on my birthday and I dont plan to start.

On my birthday however, I woke up to a loud bangin g at the door when I got to it no one was there but there was a package on the door step I picked it up and headed back inside I opened it and there was a card inside ontop of a large amount of red tissue paper I opened the card and there was no writing on the cover just a picture of a blue ballon, I opened it and read 'On your 17th birthday we didnt get out of bed all day and on your 18th we never made it out of the house, so in the spirit of lost time this should keep you in doors, Love, K.O.' I laughed a little remembering my 17th and 18th birthday and then removed the tissue paper to see my gift.

At first I just stared at the black gift in front of me then I notice something familiar yet distant about it. It was almost a complete replica of someone I know all to well but as I grabbed the base and lift it from the box i noticed that he had imbellished quite a bit in size. After thinking for a moment I just in wonderment, I wasnt mad he sent this nor was I happy about it but I knew that he planned for me to use this all day and that ws certainly not gonna happen. I threw the gift on my bed before going upstairs and jumping in the shower I came back down and got dressed when I got to my bed I saw it and almost forgetting I left it just lying there I stuffed it under my pillow as I headed to go get my breakfast.

I checked my phone and saw I had yet to recieve a happy birthday text from anyone it didnt make me mad but it was 11am I should have atleast six by now. I jumped in my aunts car and racced to grab my toffee nut latte and my egg white asiago bagel. When I ordered my coffee, the guy at the counter winked at me and rang me up for something different my coffee which is always 4.56 came to 2.11 not complaining nor giving him the time of day I payed and grabbed my drink and left. While waiting for my bagel from the place next door a woman who I would assume was also waiting for her order turned and said "Happy Birthday." Giving her a puzzled look as I said "Thank you?" She said "I heard the lady at the counter say that you get 50% off as a birthday gift." I had forgotten that this place has alot of my information marked down in their computer system.

I tried to recover from seeing her as a wierdo by politely talking to her and once my order was done I grabbed the bag and before I raced through the door I said "Alright then goodbye" "Ok and enjoy your birthday you look a little down and thats not a way to celebrate if you want something then go get it and have fun you only get on of these a year." She said before I could make it to the door. I turned and said "thank you that actually helped in what I was thinking of doing" before heading to the car. I went home and ate before begging my aunt to allow me to take her car for a couple hours after she had allowed it I looked at my phone to see I two text messages and a missed call from my mom. 

I got in the car and set my gps up to take me to Sean's job if he had to work on my birthday atleast if he got a break I could bowl with him on my birthday. I called my mom back on my ride she answered ssinging happy birthday and after I thanked her she asked how I was celebrating so I explain to her that Sean had to work so I think I'll spend the day at the bowling alley he worked at. She then sucked her teeth before she asked, "Do you have any other friends who arent working?" "Yeah but he means the most to me and I want to spend it this way." I responded. "You really like this guy dont you sweetie?" she quizzed. "No mom, I love him." I answered. "Well why the hell didnt he take off work? If he is so important then why isnt he picking you up before work? and how do you know you love him, you have never been one to fall for anyone." She just kept throwing questions at me but that last one sat with me.

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