Chapter 1

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For those of you who have read my previous story Im sorry I didnt continue but I wanted to start fresh and start further back in time. So bare with me as I start again. Btw this is an original story and fiction, for the most part.


At the age of 14 I finally came to the realization that Im gay, so hate me or love me that is who I am. My name is Henry and although I have gone through alot in my life I am thankful for it all, the good and the bad. I was born in 1991 and in 1992 my father took my mother to court for full custody as she was seen as unfit he won. Now before you start thinking my father raised me I regret to inform you that is not true My great grandmother has and is the only person that can receive credit for my up bringing. Yes my father was there in most of the good and most of the bad memories I have from my childhood. He was 20 when I was born and for most of us that is the time to party and have fun not raise a child that would be in the way. But for the most part he has always been there my mother on the other hand well she was replaced by all the women in my dads life and all the women in my family that have always been close.

So i didnt have father or mother of the year but my life has never been bad. When I was eight my best friend Lester stayed at my house one night and he just so happend to bring a porno from his dads collection. Needless to say while watching we started talking about how it would work without a girl and hence I lost my virginity, but in my defense I didnt know anything about sex so this guy sort of took advantage of me but I enjoyed it and that is where my sexual exploration started. I eventually started watching porn on my own then I started to search for what I had known as familiar and seasched guy with guy. After much research I found that I wanted to be with a boy again I called my friend but he had been put on punishment for taking his dads things. As distraught as I was that I was not gonna get to be with him again i asked my dad if it would be ok to go stay at his house and my dad said he didnt want me staying at the little fags house. Now at the time I didnt know what that meant then all I knew was that my dad did not like my best friend and it made me wonder, what does he think of me?

Lots of time past but I had not been with or tried anything with anyone because my dad started to watch who I was friends with and wouldn't allow me to have sleep overs with anyone who he thought was like my friend. But he did start to distance himself when he began to be occupied by one of the many women and in turn I made friends with the son of one of his co-workers. His name was Caleb and he was a year older then me and even though I just wanted to come out and ask him about doing what I thought at the time was copying a porno. So I waited after we got close and began to plan a way of attack, I convinced him to stay at my house, my dad worked nights so I would be able to do what ever I wanted my great grandmother would be sleep.

He got to my house around 7:30 that night, I couldnt wait to begin what I had planned. Once we were no longer supervised I shut my bedroom door and asked him "what he would like to watch on Tv?" Now that was more of a hope than I know he will. But he answered "I don't know, whatever you want to watch." I replied "well I do have these videos that my dad keeps hidden that are fun to watch." "Sure turn it on!" About 2 seconds into the video his mouth fell open and the first words he spoke were more than enough to work with. "Man he has a huge Penis!" "Well how big is yours?" I asked. "Not that big but my dad says it will grow," he chimed. Without warning he pulls down his pants and says "Look, see its a pretty good size now." Thinking quickly on my toes I said "well how about we put it to use?" He makes a face as if he is wondering what I mean so I say "just let me show you."

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