Chapter 4

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Sorry readers crazy life seems like I have no time at all between graduation, license suspension and two jobs Im drained. So I know my chapters are really short but this is all just the beginning, the back story the flashback before the present. Read, comment, vote!


Now living in this house and ready to find myself. I dont unpack I decide that everything will come second to me finding out what i want. I walked around the nieghborhood for 5 minutes before I ran into a park that was filled with people. I walked over and sat on a nearby bench and immediately pulled out my phone cause everyone knew that if you have a phone it better be Nextel cause everyone had the walkie-talkie. I pull up a cousins number and hit the imfamous connect button with the beep that if you hear you know what kind of phone it is and as soon as the sound fills the air everyone in my age group and higher were all lookming in my direction. I talk to my cousin about some random stuff as he was just a ploy to get attention and end the conversation quite quickly. To look up and see all eyes are still on me.

The first person to actually come and speak to me was a girl that I figured would be one of my closest friends her name was Athena, but she wasn't in any way greek. She was my age about an inch or two shorter and had shoulder length brown hair and white peach skin. She was dating a boy name Jesse he was in the town made gang, just a group of boys that were always in trouble or wanted to be. Who also came over to speak to me we got along nicely and even though we were having a good conversation jesse got a call and left her and I to talk more.

Once her and I became friends she introduced me to all of the people that she considered her friends, and they were the biggest bunch of misfits I have ever seen but taking a look around at everyone they were the in-crowd I guess. Everyone knew who they were and although most were spoiled and had parents with money they accepted me even though it seemed as if I didnt belong. 

Certain members of this group stand out and there are reasons for such. I would go into some extreme detail but they arent that important. I will say that i became close with most of them and 4 imparticular Frank, Felix, Tyler, and Garth. We became in seperable and the girls that flocked to us were always mad when we would ditch them to just be with eachother, but all great things come to and end as Frank decides to get himself a girlfriend.

We all started to hang out less and usually if frank wasn't hanging we just made other plans. I started to get mad we had just become so close and it was already over I couldn't deal I had to do something. I went and talked with Athena cause if there was anything she was really good for it was gossip. I asked her about this girl frank was dating, and I swear that once I heard everything I needed I began to stop her from talking as she had begun to give me the girl's social security number. 

Her name was Isabell and she was known to be quite promiscuous even with a boy friend. I hatched a plan I would meet her become friends with her break the two of them up and Frank would come back to the guys. Well thats so not what happened. 

I was going to randomly meet her at the pizzaria her father own while she was working when I saw her I noticed that while quite beautiful but immediately I could tell she was a really  big flirt. I go in and order some food she throws me a flirty smile and asks my name for my order I tell her my name and she says if you want I can take your number and call when the pizza is ready. I give her my number and leave to await the call, before I can get accross the street my phone vibrates indicating a text.

I open it to see, "Hi my name is Isabell and I think you are cute and wanted to know if you wanted to come to a party I'm throwing at my house later today." I think for a minute and say to myself that it was just way to easy for her to want to instantly be my friend, so I dont respond.

15 minutes go by and my phone rings I answer and Isabell says "Your extra large extra cheese pizza is ready." I say thank you but before I can hang up she says. "You didnt respond to my text but I wanted to ask again if you wanted to come to the party at my house, I would really like to get to know you." So I ask her "Are you talking on a friend level or on a date level." She giggles and responds "A date silly. You know what just tell me when you get here." And hangs up without so much as a good-bye.

I get back to the pizzaria and she smiles at me as I walk through the door. There is a long line in-front of her and a tall guy with flour all over him asks if I'm Henry I tell him yeah he hands me the pizza and I leave without looking in her direction again.

I get home thinking Ill just eat call the plan off and take a nap, I open the pizza box to a note with an address and below it reads, "Your coming to my house for the party tonight no questions asked its only gonna be a few people so you wont get lost in a crowd, I better see you there!" I eat my pizza and yell to my step mom "Im going to a friends and will be back late, but im gonna take a nap first kay?" "Yeah sure whatever," she yells back. 

I woke up at 11pm, jumped in the shower and got dressed not to flashy enough to keep attention but not steal the lime light. I walk to her house and could hear music playing from the yard but couldn't see or hear anyone I rung her door bell and she opened the door and invited me in I walk through the foyer into the room with the music and see only one other person, Frank.

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