Chapter 10

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So this chapter is going to a be a bit longer with only details nothing big but part of the story Read, comment, vote! 


Now that school was over and done with I was preparing myself for high school when my Dad decides he want to move again. Not just to a new house in a new town no. He wants to move seven and half hours away, all because he wants to buy a house with alot of land. He got what he wanted but I sure as hell didnt, the house was in the middle of no where, no neighbors for miles.

Once he had the deed to the house in his hands our contracting work began, we didnt redo everything in the house but we did redo alot. He and I spent hours ripping up floor tiles,taking out cabinets, breaking down the bar, and we even tore down a wall. Afterwards we installed new cabinets, put down tile and hardwood floors, replaced carpets, and painted the whole house inside and out. Our finished job looked absolutely perfect.

Now that the house was finished and we were comfortable in it it was time to start school again. I enrolled at the only high school within 30 miles and I got a brief idea of what the students were like and how much work teachers planned on giving out. The first day came and I was up, dressed and ready an hour early. I had a new confidence behind me, I didnt care what anyone thought and I could fool around with who ever because for every person that wants to judge me there are plenty out there that dont give a shit, so fuck who has something to say they mean nothing to me.

I had been going to school for two months and had no friends, I didnt go to lunch, because I was usually in the library on the computers. I wasn't upset really that I didn't have any friends only because I didn't want them. I was gay and not ready to come out to anyone with friends I may have to hide it from them and I dont like not being myself around people I choose to associate with.

In the middle of month three I saw something that turned made me want to make friends. There was this boy my age and he was big gut wise but he was wide and cute and had a large ass. It was a site that I thought was impossible, something I thought was not in existence but there it was. I couldn't help myself it had been six months since I had sex and being somewhat always horny seeing him made me harder steal within seconds. Looking around there was another minute before the late bell rang and he was head in the same direction  as me, if I were going to make my move then I had to act fast. I started walking faster and as I planned bumped into him trying  to walk past.

After turning to apologize I made eye contact and thought wow he isnt as cute up close, but I assume I made a face or something because he said, "I know you dont think that was my fault?" "No, definitely not I just thought I saw something" I replied to quick to think about what I was saying. "Oh well I'm sorry anyway." He said. "Yeah me too, my name is Henry" I said hoping he would tell me his. "Mine is Quan..." He said as we were interupted by the damn bell. He started walking away and I stood there to watch.

Over then next week he was what I was thinking about and it was just on a sex level. I wanted him and I was going to get him one way or another. The next semester came and I got to my first class and looked up to the sky saying it cant be this easy in my first period class there sat Quan in the last seat of the second row, so of course I went to sit next to him. Once I sat down I took my usual first look at all the students in the room and in the process another look at Quan, when my eyes got to him I said "Oh your in this class?" As if he would be in there for any other reason. "Yeah, why else would I be sitting here." He responded. "Well duh, sometimes I feel a bit slow, but shhh, dont tell anyone."

Over the next few weeks he and I talked back and forth sad part is I was beginning to think he wasn't gay. I had only ever turned out one guy and I'm pretty sure he was bisexual long before I got there. After a while he and I ran out of things to talk about, but he asked me about sports and if there is one male gene I do not have it would be the most popular one, fucking sports. I told him how I did have one and that I didnt watch because as a kid my dad was supposed to take me to games and never did. Then he asked, "Do you want to go to the football game with me tonight? You may not like sports but with my help you might." Seeing this as my way to get what I wanted I said "Sure." I gave him my address and he told me when he would pick me up, odd that it was an hour before the game started but I didn't think anything of it.

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