Chapter 13

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So last one before the move. I needed to get this out before it was too late. Read, comment, vote! 


Exactly two years and 3 months ago I walked into my first college class. I remember looking around the room at all of the people, I recognized only one person, she was actually someone I met when I took part in a competition. Out of the whole class I saw only one guy that looked the slightest bit attractive, he wasn't my type but he was in the category of do-able, his name was preston. There were a few other guys in the class but one stuck out and he was the farthest from any guy I would ever look at twice.

His name is Sean and on the day he looked like he just jumped the fence from Mexico, no offense to him or anyone else but looking at him I saw the same look as guys I had known to be mexican in the past. After taking the little survey of the guys in class have no trouble focusing on my school work and not being occupied by trying to be with a guy. As the semester continued I became friends with some of the guys in my classes, as all of my classes were mostly the same people.

I had been doing great with my school work I had an A average and was working hard. Doing great in school I was actually going to class over an hour early and would sit in the foyer waiting for the security system to allow me up stairs. After a week of so Sean had been coming around the same time as I, He and I sat catching up on homework or just preparing for class. After some time of sitting there every morning we found we have the same taste in music and we began to talk about our pasts. He told me about past girls friends and how he had gone through alot to get where he is today. I learned alot about him and began to think of him as a close friend not like the rest of my classmates. 

During the break in between semesters I started to hang out with Sean and some others and we got really close and they began to feel like family more than friends. A few semesters went by and I was enjoying college, I had friends I partied and I was close to happy. Sean asked me if I would go with him one day to pick up his car. We sat at a dealer for about three to four hours waiting for the car then the dealer actually said something about things that still had to be done with it. We left and Sean got a call from the dealer saying he could take his car but would have to bring it back in a couple days. We went back and picked up his new car and he handed me the keys to the old one and said take care of her and I'll let you know when you can bring her to my house.

I took his car home that night, I realized that he must trust me a bit more than our shared friends if he asked me to take his car. I ended up bailing on taking the car to his house as I was dealing with family issues about how I shouldn't be driving his car etc.etc. But fortunately for me I got my car up and running and had my own transportation. That next semester I got a text from Sean about how his car broke down on the road and he would miss class. I texted him back asking if he needed me to come get him then I got up and told our instructor that he would miss class and  would too because I was going to get him. I got in my car and was a third of the way to him when I got a message from him saying his mom was on her way to get him and that he would get his other car and be in school for our second class. Glad he was okay i turned around to go home and wait for the next class before heading back to school.

 I was at work one night and just couldnt't help but think about what my friends were up to more specifically I was wonder what Sean was doing. Every day that week actually i just wanted to know how he was doing, what he was up to, if he was ok, and where he was. I texted him just to make myself aware of his well being. It was a while before he texted back but he said how he had just got off work and was headed home for the night. As time progressed I was checking up on him more and more not sure why I was so concerned but I was.

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